Søk: 'Collaborative planning: shaping places in fragmented societies'
Human Geography: Pearson New International Edition: Places and Regions in Global Context
ISBN 9781292020877 , 2013 , Paul L. Knox, Sallie A. Marston
Just schools: pursuing equality in societies of difference
ISBN 9780871545831 , 2008 , Martha Minow, Hazel Rose Markus
Planning in Health Promotion Work: An Empowerment Model
ISBN 9780415820059 , 2012 , Roar Amdam
The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies
ISBN 9781614270188 , 2011 , Marcel Mauss, E E Evans-Pritchard
Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies
ISBN 9781878379733 , 1998 , John Paul Lederach
Strategic Planning for Public Relations
ISBN 9780415506762 , 2013
Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Socio-Technical Change
ISBN 9780262521949 , 1994 , John Law, Wiebe Eco Bijker
Access controlled: the shaping of power, rights, and rule in cyberspace
ISBN 9780262514354 , 2010 , John G. Palfrey, OpenNet Initiative,m.fl.
Access controlled: the shaping of power, rights, and rule in cyberspace
ISBN 9780262014342 , 2010 , Ronald Deibert
Beyond The Exotic: Women's Histories In Islamic Societies
ISBN 9780815630555 , 2005 , Amira El-Azhary Sonbol
Planning in the Face of Power.
ISBN 9780520064133 , 1988 , John Forester
Schools and Societies
ISBN 9780803990593 , 1998 , Steven G. Brint
Devised and collaborative theatre: a practical guide
ISBN 9781861265241 , 2002 , Clive Barker, Tina Bicat, Chris Baldwin
Places and Regions in Global Context: Human Geography, Updated
ISBN 9780130460318 , 2003 , Paul L. Knox, Sallie A. Marston
Corporate Diplomacy: The Strategy for a Volatile, Fragmented Business Environment
ISBN 9780470858004 , 2003 , Ulrich Steger
Changing Faces - Changing Places
ISBN 9780954135201 , 2001 , Mary Fitzpatrick, Susanna Coghlan, Lucy O'Dea
World Regions in Global Context: Peoples, Places, and Environments
ISBN 9780131449756 , 2004 , Paul L. Knox, Sallie A. Marston,m.fl.
Building the peace: experiences of collaborative peacebuilding in Somalia 1993-1996
ISBN 9789187748448 , 1997 , Wolfgang Heinrich
Project Planning Techniques
ISBN 9781567261653 , 2005 , Vittal S. Anantatmula, F. Rad Parviz
The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies
ISBN 9781614271239 , 2011 , Marcel Mauss, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Ian Cunnison
How Societies Remember
ISBN 9780521270939 , 1989 , Paul Connerton
Enterprise Resource Planning
ISBN 9780131403437 , 2004 , Mary Sumner
Situating Everyday Life: Practices and Places
ISBN 9780857020574 , 2012 , Sarah Pink
Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning
ISBN 9781559387248 , 1996 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, Gary R. Reeves,m.fl.
A Geography of Urban Places
ISBN 9780415489577 , 2008 , Robert G. Putnam, Frank J. Taylor,m.fl.
Corporate diplomacy: the strategy for a volatile, fragmented business environment
ISBN 9780470848906 , 2002 , Ulrich Steger
Democracy in plural societies: a comparative exploration
ISBN 9780300024944 , 1980 , Arend Lijphart
Missionary Linguistics in East Asia: The Origins of Religious Language in the Shaping of Christianity?
ISBN 9783631504413 , 2008
Sustainability in Urban Storm Drainage: Planning and Examples
ISBN 9789185159208 , 2006 , Peter Stahre
A Geography of Urban Places
ISBN 9780415417907 , 2007 , Robert G. Putnam, Frank J. Taylor,m.fl.