Søk: 'Communication, Power and Organization'
Organization Theory: Tension and Change
ISBN 9780071189620 , 2001 , David Jaffee
Aphasia And Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders
ISBN 9780763771003 , 2012 , Ilias Papathanasiou, Constantin Potagas
Digital Communication
ISBN 9781461349754 , 2012 , David G. Messerschmitt, John R. Barry
Power, Faith, and Fantasy
ISBN 9780393330304 , 2008 , Michael B. Oren
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780124077263 , 2013 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Communication and Reference
ISBN 9783110100679 , 1984 , Aloysius Martinich
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781849202923 , 2010 , Denis McQuail
Communication systems: analysis and design
ISBN 9780130402684 , 2003 , Harold P. E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud,m.fl.
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781446274958 , 2014 , Joep Cornelissen
Computer architecture and organization: an integrated approach
ISBN 9780471733881 , 2007 , Miles J. Murdocca, Vincent P. Heuring
Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780324271225 , 2005 , Lynne Pepall, George Norman, Daniel Jay Richards
Power System Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781111425777 , 2011 , Mulukutla S. Sarma, J. Duncan Glover,m.fl.
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
ISBN 9780132936330 , 2012 , William Stallings
Structured Computer Organization: International Edition
ISBN 9780135094051 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780262691796 , 1996 , Oz Shy
Computer Organization
ISBN 9780071122184 , 2001 , V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic,m.fl.
Computer Organization
ISBN 9780071122078 , 2001 , V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic,m.fl.
The Economics, Organization and Management
ISBN 9780132246507 , 1992 , Paul Robert Milgrom, John Roberts
Images of Organization
ISBN 9781412939799 , 2006 , Gareth Morgan
Thermodynamics and Heat Power
ISBN 9780131139282 , 2004 , Kurt C. Rolle
Business English and Communication
ISBN 9789622018426 , 1999 , Moira Sambey,m.fl.
Gender, Politics and Communication
ISBN 9781572732414 , 1999 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Management and Economics of Organization
ISBN 9780132319522 , 1997 , Daniel A. Gerlowski
Management Communication: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780071259262 , 2007
Globalization And Organization: World Society And Organizational Change
ISBN 9780199284542 , 2006
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780123747501 , 2011 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power
ISBN 9780199759484 , 2013 , Andrew Chadwick
Communication Between Cultures
ISBN 9781133492160 , 2012 , Edwin McDaniel
Digital Communication - Communication Network Architectures/Communication Network Protocols
ISBN 9780749241704 , 2003 , Nicky Moss,m.fl.
Organization theory: research and design
ISBN 9780023339301 , 1993 , William M. Evan