Søk: 'Comparative inquiry in politics and political economy: theories and issues'
Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333696323 , 1998 , Shaun Breslin
Business and Politics: A Comparative Introduction
ISBN 9780333962053 , 2002
Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333929711 , 2001
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
ISBN 9780195419894 , 2005
Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment
ISBN 9781412953450 , 2007 , Harry I. Wolk, James L. Dodd, John J. Rozycki
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780275916428 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffey R. Orenstein
Globalization and Migration: New Issues, New Politics
ISBN 9780415468329 , 2009 , Ronaldo Munck, Shahid Qadir
Principles of Comparative Politics
ISBN 9781608716791 , 2012 , William Roberts Clark, Matthew R. Golder
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780030008399 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffrey R. Orenstein
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780030008382 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, J. Openstein
Comparing Political Regimes: A Thematic Introduction to Comparative Politics
ISBN 9781442600126 , 2008
Global Political Economy, 3rd Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780230241213 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780472068357 , 2003 , Barbara Geddes
Globalisation and Migration: New Issues, New Politics
ISBN 9780415590877 , 2010 , Ronaldo Munck
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
ISBN 9780691122489 , 2005 , Robert O. Keohane
Work, Worklessness, and the Political Economy of Health
ISBN 9780199588299 , 2011 , Clare Bambra
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract
ISBN 9780199538966 , 2008 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques
Debates in International Political Economy
ISBN 9780205060610 , 1978 , Thomas H. Oatley
Political Geography: World-Economy, Nation-State and Locality
ISBN 9780273735908 , 2011 , Peter J. Taylor
Current issues in open economy macroeconomics: paradoxes, policies, and problems
ISBN 9781852781859 , 1990 , J.L. Ford
Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment
ISBN 9780324186239 , 2004 , Harry Wolk, James Dodd, Michael Tearney
The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689622 , 2004 , Marc Williams, Robert O\'Brien
Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation
ISBN 9783830516354 , 2009 , Gunnar Fermann
Political Economy: Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780195575019 , 2011 , 3. utgave
Essentials of Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780393912784 , 2012 , Patrick H. O'Neil
Global Political Economy: The study of Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780199265848 , 2005 , John Ravenhill
Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development
ISBN 9780415665360 , 2011 , Dag Harald Claes, Carl Henrik Knutsen
Aesthetics and politics of space in Russia and Japan: a comparative philosophical study
ISBN 9780739130681 , 2009 , Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies
ISBN 9780077117443 , 2009 , Jay J. Coakley, Elizabeth Pike
Global Political Economy, Second Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780230006690 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams