Søk: 'Concrete mathematics: a foundation for computer science'
Advanced Concrete Technology
ISBN 9780470437438 , 2011 , Zongjin Li, Wenquan Liang
Foundation of MEMS
ISBN 9780273752240 , 2011 , Liu Chang
Fundamentals of complex analysis for mathematics, science, and engineering
ISBN 9780133274615 , 1993 , Edward B. Saff, Arthur David Snider
Conflict resolution: a foundation guide
ISBN 9781872870656 , 1998 , Susan Stewart (educator in social sciences.)
Outlines & Highlights for Computer Science: Overview by J. Glenn Brookshear
ISBN 9781616542788 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Concrete-Steel: A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrete Construction
ISBN 9780554673370 , 2008 , Walter Noble Twelvetrees
Concrete-Steel: A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrete Construction
ISBN 9780554673400 , 2008 , Walter Noble Twelvetrees
Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive Approach
ISBN 9780132051569 , 2008 , Anthony Croft, Tony Croft, Robert Davison
Mathematics For Economists
ISBN 9788130916002 , 2010
Design Handbook for Reinforced Concrete Elements
ISBN 9780868406213 , 2003 , Argeo Sergio Beletich, Paul John Uno
Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive Approach
ISBN 9781408263235 , 2010 , Anthony Croft, Robert Davison
A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra
ISBN 9780387989990 , 2000 , Lindsay N. Childs
Mathematics for Business
ISBN 9780321357434 , 2006 , Stanley A. Salzman, Charles David Miller,m.fl.
Dublin: Foundation
ISBN 9781844136070 , 2004 , Edward Rutherfurd
Aggregates in Concrete
ISBN 9780415258395 , 2005 , Mark G. Alexander, Sidney Mindess
Worship Theory: Laying a Foundation for Corporate and Individual Worship
ISBN 9781435728035 , 2008 , Chris MacKinnon
Studyguide for Mathematical Structures for Computer Science by Gersting, ISBN 9780716743583: 0716743582
ISBN 9781428834026 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
A Concrete Partnership: Carl Nesjar & Pablo Picasso
ISBN 9788299805605 , 2009 , Sylvia A. Antoniou, Carl Nesjar, Pablo Picasso
Mathematica computer guide: a self-contained introduction for Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics, eighth edition
ISBN 9780471386698 , 2001 , 8. utgave , Erwin Kreyszig, Edward J. Norminton
Discrete Mathematics.: With Exercises, Self-tests and Worked Examples. (JK Computer Science and Mathmatics Series).
ISBN 9780130890085 , 2001 , Richard Johnsonbaugh
Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach
ISBN 9780273768968 , 2012 , 6. utgave , Keith W. Ross, James F. Kurose
Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers
ISBN 9780883857731 , 2011 , Elizabeth G. Bremigan, Ralph J. Bremigan,m.fl.
Modern software development using Java: a text for the second course in computer science
ISBN 9780534384494 , 2003 , G. Michael Schneider
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781887902991 , 2004 , John M. Zelle
Mathematics for Economists
ISBN 9780393117523 , 1994
Studyguide for Computer Science: Overview by J. Glenn Brookshear, ISBN 9780321524034
ISBN 9781428897304 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation
ISBN 9780538743778 , 2009 , Dawn Iacobucci
Mathematics for Economists
ISBN 9780393957334 , 1994
Discrete Mathematics for Computing
ISBN 9780230216112 , 2008 , Peter Grossman
Concrete Formwork Structures
ISBN 9780824700720 , 1998 , Aswad S. Hanna