Søk: 'Constitution of society - outline of the theory of structuration'
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
ISBN 9780262530071 , 1965 , Noam Chomsky
The Significance of Theory
ISBN 9780631172710 , 1989 , Terry Eagleton, Michael Payne
The Theory of the Modern Stage
ISBN 9780141189185 , 2008 , Eric Bentley
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400101788 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400131785 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400151783 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9781133187813 , 2012 , Michael Sipser
Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Revised Third Edition
ISBN 9780071615860 , 2009 , 3. utgave , Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lars Lipson, Ph.D.
Theory of Knowledge
ISBN 9780340914762 , 2006 , Nicholas Alchin
A Testimony for the Truth, as Always Held and Promulgated by the Religious Society of Friends: And Against the Departures from the Principles of the Society (1865)
ISBN 9781437469615 , 2009 , Society Of Friends
Theory of Addiction
ISBN 9781405113595 , 2006
The Theory of Finance
ISBN 9780030867323 , 1972 , Eugene F. Fama, Merton H. Miller
The Theory of "David Copperfield": Or a Theory of a Novel's Theory
ISBN 9788200129363 , 1998 , Arild Pedersen
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Physics for Pre-Med, Biology, and Allied Health Students
ISBN 9780070254749 , 1998
The State of Democratic Theory
ISBN 9780691123967 , 2005 , Ian Shapiro
The Contingency Theory of Organizations
ISBN 9780761915744 , 2001
Schaums Outline of Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780071635097 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Monson H. Hayes
Technology, Literacy, And the Evolution of Society: Implications of the Work of Jack Goody
ISBN 9780805854022 , 2005 , Michael Cole
The Linearized Theory of Elasticity
ISBN 9780817641177 , 2001 , William S. Slaughter
The General Equilibrium Theory of Value
ISBN 9780691146799 , 2011 , Yves Balasko
The Work of Managers: Towards a Practice Theory of Management
ISBN 9780199639724 , 2012 , Stefan Tengblad
The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry
ISBN 9780195112214 , 1997 , Harold Bloom
The Emergence of Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780534509057 , 1998 , Jonathan H. Turner, Leonard Beeghley,m.fl.
The New British Constitution
ISBN 9781841136714 , 2009 , Vernon Bogdanor
Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality
ISBN 9780691037042 , 1997 , Siegfried Kracauer
The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society
ISBN 9780521084802 , 2008 , Michael Carrithers, Caroline Humphrey
Student's Outline of British and American History
ISBN 9783464024225 , 1992 , Frank Hugelmann
The rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction
ISBN 9780814210697 , 2007 , Richard Walsh
Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things
ISBN 9780521539456 , 2004 , Alain Pottage, Martha Mundy, Chris Arup,m.fl.
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
ISBN 9780393932928 , 2010 , et al., Vincent B. Leitch