Søk: 'Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method'
How the American Media Packaged Lynching (1850-1940): Constructing the Meaning of Social Events
ISBN 9780773456280 , 2006 , Ira Wasserman
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230360686 , 2012 , Torbjørn Knutsen, Jonathon Moses
Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
ISBN 9781428802131 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Research
ISBN 9781857283129 , 1996 , Malcolm Williams, Tim May, Richard Wiggins,m.fl.
Diversity and Groups
ISBN 9781848550520 , 2008 , Katherine W. Phillips
Diversity and Groups
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Constructing Educational Inequality: An Assessment of Research on School Processes
ISBN 9780750703895 , 1995 , Peter Foster, Roger Gomm, Martyn Hammersley
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
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Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732230 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Research: Theory, Method, and Case Studies
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Conceptual Foundations Of Social Research Methods
ISBN 9781594510717 , 2004 , David Baronov
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
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Doing Research: The Hows and Whys of Applied Research
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The Elements of Graphic Design: Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type
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Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
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Constructing a Sociology of the Arts
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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
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The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D. 200-1000
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Understanding Research for Social Policy and Social Work: Themes, Methods and Approaches
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Social research: issues, methods and process
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Doing Research: The Hows and Whys of Applied Research
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The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects
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Surveys in Social Research
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Constructing Early Christian Families: Family As Social Reality and Metaphor
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Methodological Thinking: Basic Principles of Social Research Design
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Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
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Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
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Athens and Sparta: Constructing Greek Political and Social History from 478 Bc
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The Ethnographer's Method
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Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods
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