Søk: 'Critical Theory and Frankfurt Theorists: Lectures, Correspondence, Conversations'
Silenced Voices and Extraordinary Conversations: Re-Imagining Schools
ISBN 9780807742853 , 2003
New philosophies of social science: realism, hermeneutics and critical theory
ISBN 9780333363157 , 1987
Focus Groups: From Structured Interviews to Collective Conversations
ISBN 9780415692274 , 2013 , George Kamberelis, Greg Dimitriadis
The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory
ISBN 9780521695459 , 2009 , Gerard Delanty
Lectures on Reimann Surfaces
ISBN 9780387906171 , 1999
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781452203409 , 2012 , Peter G. Northouse
English grammar: theory and use
ISBN 9788215018973 , 2012 , Per Lysvåg, Hilde Hasselgård
Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405187602 , 2010 , Paul Robbins, John Hintz, Sarah A. Moore
Introducing Religion: Readings from the Classic Theorists
ISBN 9780195181487 , 2009 , Daniel L. Pals
Studyguide for Nursing Theorists and Their Work by Alligood, Martha Raile, ISBN 9780323091947
ISBN 9780323091947 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Critical Environmental Politics
ISBN 9780415631228 , 2013 , Carl Death
Introducing Religion: Readings from the Classic Theorists
ISBN 9780195181494 , 2008 , Daniel L. Pals
Jazzwomen: Conversations With Twenty-One Musicians
ISBN 9780253344366 , 2004 , Wayne Enstice, Janis Stockhouse
Conversations with North Sea Oil Moguls
ISBN 9780955082702 , 2005 , Jeremy Creswell
Heritage: Critical Approaches
ISBN 9780415591973 , 2012 , Rodney Harrison
Monetary Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780262013772 , 2010 , Carl E. Walsh
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most
ISBN 9780143118442 , 2010 , Bruce Patton, Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781259010835 , 2013 , Ritzer
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Procedures
ISBN 9780813823317
The chequebook and the cruise missile: conversations with Arundhati Roy
ISBN 9780007194186 , 2004 , Arundhati Roy, David Barsamian
Heimat: A Critical Theory Of The German Idea Of Homeland
ISBN 9781571133038 , 2004 , Peter Blickle
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9781408072370 , 2014 , Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019550 , 2014 , Paul Krugman, Marc Melitz
Agency, Democracy, and Nature: The U.S. Environmental Movement from a Critical Theory Perspective
ISBN 9780262024808 , 2000 , Robert J. Brulle
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781412980449 , 2011 , Robert F. DeVellis
Cinemas of the mind: a critical history of film theory
ISBN 9781840463545 , 2002 , Nicolas Tredell
Terry Lectures: Common Faith
ISBN 9780300000696 , 1977 , John Dewey
Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extension
ISBN 9781111525514 , 2011 , Christopher (Christopher Mark) Snyder
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language
ISBN 9781405858229 , 2010 , Norman Fairclough
Strategy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781849201520 , 2011 , Martin Kornberger, Chris Carter,m.fl.