Søk: 'Design Fundamentals For New Media'
Media Events That Shaped The New Croatia
ISBN 9780615158372 , 2007
Media i samfunnet
ISBN 9788252183351 , 2013 , Ture Schwebs
Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and Social Movements
ISBN 9780415297844 , 2003 , Wim Van De Donk, Brian Loader, Dieter Rucht
Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and Social Movements
ISBN 9780415297851 , 2003 , Wim Van De Donk, Brian Loader, Dieter Rucht
Young people and new media: childhood and the changing media environment
ISBN 9780761964667 , 2002 , Sonia Livingstone, Moira Bovill
Multimedia Fundamentals, Volume 1: Media Coding and Content Processing
ISBN 9780130313997 , 2002 , Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt
Digital Generations: Children, Young People, and New Media
ISBN 9780805859805 , 2006 , David Buckingham, Rebekah Willett
Rethinking the Media Audience: The New Agenda
ISBN 9780761950707 , 1999 , Pertti Alasuutari
Rethinking the Media Audience: The New Agenda
ISBN 9780761950714 , 1999 , Pertti Alasuutari
Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design
ISBN 9780470519264 , 2008 , Nigel Cross
Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective On Object-Oriented Design
ISBN 9780321247148 , 2004 , Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott
Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction And Operation
ISBN 9781902916385 , 2002 , Robert Gasch, Jochen Twele
Digital Fundamentals
ISBN 9781292025629 , 2013 , Thomas L. Floyd
The Network Society: Social Aspects of New Media
ISBN 9781412908689 , 2005 , Jan van Dijk
Patternmaking for Fashion Design
ISBN 9780136121480 , 2009 , Helen Joseph Armstrong
Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780813808093 , 2007 , Jacqueline H. Beckley, M. Michele Foley,m.fl.
Transnational Television Worldwide: Towards a New Media Order
ISBN 9781850435488 , 2004 , Jean K. Chalaby
Transnational television worldwide: towards a new media order
ISBN 9781850435471 , 2004 , Jean K. Chalaby
Fundamentals of Strategy
ISBN 9780273757252 , 2011 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media
ISBN 9781433102738 , 2008 , Knut Lundby
Media Effects
ISBN 9781412964692 , 2012
Fundamentals of Selling
ISBN 9781259060557 , 2013 , Charles M. Futrell
Audience Evolution: New Techologies and the Transformation of Media Audiences
ISBN 9780231150354 , 2010 , Philip M. Napoli
Fundamentals of Strategy
ISBN 9781292017211 , 2014 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Duncan Angwin,m.fl.
Rethinking Media Theory: Signposts and New Directions
ISBN 9780816619085 , 1992 , Michèle Mattelart, Professor Armand Mattelart
Rethinking Media Theory: Signposts and New Directions
ISBN 9780816619108 , 1992 , Armand Mattelart, Michèle Mattelart
Digital destiny: new media and the future of democracy
ISBN 9781565847958 , 2007 , Jeff Chester
Graphic Design School: A Foundation Course for Graphic Designers Working in Print, Moving Image and Digital Media
ISBN 9780500288634 , 2010 , David Dabner, Sheena Calvert
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals and XILINX 4.2 Package
ISBN 9780131111042 , 2003 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime,m.fl.
Electronics Fundamentals
ISBN 9781292025681 , 2013