Søk: 'Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between'
Made to Break: Technology and Obsolescence in America
ISBN 9780674022034 , 2009 , Giles Slade
Religion and nationalism in Iraq: a comparative perspective
ISBN 9780945454410 , 2007 , David Little, Donald K. Swearer
What Went Wrong?: The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East
ISBN 9780753816752 , 2002 , Bernard Lewis
Welfare and Religion in Twenty-first Century Europe
ISBN 9780754660200 , 2010 , Grace Davie, Ninna Edgardh, Anders Bäckstrom,m.fl.
Discretion in Crim Justi: The Tension Between Individualization and Uniformity
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El Dorado in the Marshes: Gold, Slaves and Souls between the Andes and the Amazon
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The Importance of Religion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World
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Grouting Technology in Tunnelling and Dam Construction
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The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
ISBN 9781853263101 , 1993 , Sir James George Frazer
Between Culture and Politics: Intellectuals in Modern Society
ISBN 9780745609041 , 1994
Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab Worlds
ISBN 9780415103855 , 1993 , Nazih N. Ayubi
Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
ISBN 9781849040297 , 2009 , Jeroen Gunning
Lived religion: faith and practice in everyday life
ISBN 9780195172621 , 2008 , Meredith B. McGuire
Between the Local and the Global: Confronting Complexity in the Contemporary Agri-Food Sector
ISBN 9780762313174 , 2006
Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology
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Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life: Ethnographic Approaches
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Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia
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Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
ISBN 9781412845809 , 2012 , Sigurd Bergmann
Between China and Europe: person, culture and emotion in Macao
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Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914
ISBN 9780333534908 , 1996 , Hugh McLeod
Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life
ISBN 9780804752374 , 2009 , Helen F. Nissenbaum
Pagan Priests: Religion and Power in the Ancient World
ISBN 9780715622070 , 1990 , Mary Beard
The Psychologies in Religion: Working with the Religious Client
ISBN 9780826128560 , 2006 , E. Thomas Dowd, Stevan Lars Nielsen,m.fl.
The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran
ISBN 9781851682348 , 1986 , Roy P. Mottahedeh
Early American Technology: Making and Doing Things from the Colonial Era to
ISBN 9780807821732 , 1994 , Judith A. McGaw
Religion and Politics in Modern Iran: A Reader
ISBN 9781845110727 , 2005 , Lloyd V. J. Ridgeon
Religion and Politics in Modern Iran: A Reader
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Jagannath revisited: studying society, religion, and the state in Orissa
ISBN 9788173043864 , 2001 , Hermann Kulke, Burkhard Schnepel
Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9781860648687 , 2003 , Fred Halliday
Authorised Lives in Early Christian Biography: Between Eusebius and Augustine
ISBN 9780521894906 , 2008 , Williams Michael