Søk: 'Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design'
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780130319999 , 2001 , William Stallings, PH.D.
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
ISBN 9783642115493 , 2011 , Daizhan Cheng, Xiaoming Hu, Tielong Shen
Operating systems: internals and design principles
ISBN 9780139179983 , 1998 , William Stallings
Ecology: Concepts and Applications: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071317894 , 2012 , Manuel C Molles
Statistical quality design and control: contemporary concepts and methods
ISBN 9780130413444 , 2006 , John Sutherland, Richard DeVor, Tsong-How Chang,m.fl.
Automated process control systems: concepts and hardware
ISBN 9780130544797 , 1986 , Ronald P. Hunter
Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems
ISBN 9780471322825 , 2000 , David M. Pozar
Value Pack: Distributed Systems:Concepts and Design with Computer Networking and the Internet
ISBN 9781405825078 , 2005 , Fred Halsall, Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris,m.fl.
Specification and Design of Embedded Systems
ISBN 9780131507319 , 1994 , Daniel D. Gajski, Frank Vahid, Sanjiv Narayan
Design guidelines for a monitoring environment concerning distributed real-time systems: as means for achieving dependability control through dynamic adaption of distributed real-time target systems under operation
ISBN 9788251919319 , 2004 , Aida Omerovic
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs
ISBN 9780750683975 , 2008 , Ian Grout
Distributed Leadership
ISBN 9780787965389 , 2006
Modern Control Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780471811930 , 1993 , Thomas L. Vincent, Walter Jervis Grantham
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
ISBN 9783540446309 , 2006 , Jacques Blanc-Talon, Wilfried Philips,m.fl.
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
ISBN 9783540743576 , 2007 , Lorenzo Marconi, Alessandro Astolfi
Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780724806621 , 1988 , I. T. Hawryszkiewycz
Design Concepts in Nutritional Epidemiology
ISBN 9780192627391 , 1997 , Barrie M. Margetts, Michael Nelson
Modern Systems Analysis & Design
ISBN 9780201526103 , 1999 , Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods
ISBN 9780470164020 , 2009 , Dennis M. Buede
Mutiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
ISBN 9780262731317 , 2000 , Gerhard Weiss
Secure Communicating Systems: Design, Analysis, and Implementation
ISBN 9780521807319 , 2001 , Michael Huth
Security engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems
ISBN 9780471389224 , 2001 , Ross J. Anderson
Algorithms: sequential, parallel, and distributed
ISBN 9780534420574 , 2005 , Jerome L. Paul
Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems
ISBN 9781580530064 , 1999 , Robert Popoli, Samuel S. Blackman
Intelligent Observer and Control Design for Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9783642083464 , 2010 , Dierk Schroder, U. Lenz, M. Beuschel, F.D. Hangl,m.fl.
Fuzzy Systems Design: Social and Engineering Applications
ISBN 9783790811186 , 1998 , Janusz Kacprzyk, L. M. Reznikov, V. Dimitrov
Cellular manufacturing systems: design, planning and control
ISBN 9780412557101 , 1996 , Nanua Singh, Divakar Rajamani
Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology, and Design
ISBN 9781848824768 , 2009 , Panos Markopoulos, Wendy Mackay
Discontinuous Control Systems: Frequency-Domain Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780817647520 , 2008 , Igor Boiko
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management
ISBN 9780132943260 , 2014 , Carolyn Begg, Thomas M. Connolly