Søk: 'Empathy and Moral Development: Implications for Caring and Justice'
Moral for vakre piker
ISBN 9788202282783 , 2009 , Alexander McCall Smith, Gisken Armand,m.fl.
Postcolonialism and Development
ISBN 9780415433655 , 2008 , Cheryl McEwan
What If China Doesn't Democratize ?: Implications for War and Peace
ISBN 9780765605689 , 2000 , Edward Friedman, Barrett L. McCormick
Corrections And The Criminal Justice System
ISBN 9780763735005 , 2006 , David C. May, Kevin I. Minor, Rick Ruddell,m.fl.
Climate Change and Future Justice: Precaution, Compensation , and Triage
ISBN 9780415461252 , 2011
Children, Youth and Development
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Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Equality, Diversity and Social Justice
ISBN 9780230250130 , 2012 , Neil Thompson
Fighting Words: Black Women and the Search for Justice
ISBN 9780816623778 , 1998 , Patricia Hill Collins
Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice
ISBN 9781878512161 , 2005 , LeRoy J. Spaniol, Courtenay Harding
Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action
ISBN 9780745611044 , 1992 , Jurgen Habermas
Interpretive phenomenology: embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness
ISBN 9780803957220 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Interpretive Phenomenology: Embodiment, Caring, and Ethics in Health and Illness
ISBN 9780803957237 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice
ISBN 9780631154457 , 1987 , Allison Morris
Creative Management and Development
ISBN 9781412922487 , 2006 , Jane Henry
Moral for vakre piker
ISBN 9788202259563 , 2006 , Alexander McCall Smith, Toril Hanssen
Development and Disability
ISBN 9780631192749 , 2002 , Vicky Lewis
Multimedia for learning: methods and development
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Poverty and elusive development
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Extension Startegies for Agriculture and Rural Development
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Applying social psychology: implications for research, practice, and training
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Liberals and Cannibals: The Implications of Diversity
ISBN 9781859845950 , 2003 , Steven Lukes
Women entrepreneurs: theory, research and policy implications
ISBN 9788276346671 , 2005
Gender and development
ISBN 9780415266901 , 2004 , Janet H. Momsen
ISBN 9780745625959 , 2004 , Harry Brighouse
Classics of Moral And Political Theory
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Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781412980449 , 2011 , Robert F. DeVellis
Civil society and gender justice: historical and comparative perspectives
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Right Result ?: Advocacy, Justice and Empowerment
ISBN 9781861343062 , 2001 , Rick Henderson, Mike Pochin
Development and Displacement
ISBN 9780199255078 , 2002 , David Turton, Giles Mohan, Helen Yanacopulos,m.fl.
Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers
ISBN 9781849050685 , 2010 , Brigid Daniel, Sally Wassell, Robbie Gilligan,m.fl.