Søk: 'Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions'
Us and Them in Modern Societies: ethnicity and Nationalism in Mauritius, Trinidad and Beyond
ISBN 9788200215509 , 1992 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Geir Thomas H. Eriksen
Houses in the Rain Forest: Ethnicity and Inequality Among Farmers and Foragers in Central Africa
ISBN 9780520089754 , 1994 , Roy Richard Grinker
Not Just Black and White: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
ISBN 9780871542595 , 2004 , Nancy Foner, George M. Fredrickson
"Scattered Cedars in a Western Town": Interviews with Lebanese Muslims on the Family, Ethnicity, Gender and Racism
ISBN 9780333770955 , 2000 , Andrew Heywood