Søk: 'Ethnography in Organizations'
Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations
ISBN 9781599044200 , 2007 , Latif Al-Hakim
Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society
ISBN 9781857883558 , 2005 , Peter M. Senge
Power and Organizations
ISBN 9780761943914 , 2006 , David Courpasson, Nelson X. Phillips
Accountability and Radical Change in Public Organizations
ISBN 9781567201796 , 1998 , Ronald R. Sims
Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations
ISBN 9780138541910 , 1983 , Henry Mintzberg
Understanding Gender and Organizations
ISBN 9781848600171 , 2009 , Mats Alvesson, Yvonne Due Billing
Storytelling in Organizations: Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies
ISBN 9780198297062 , 2000 , Yiannis Gabriel
Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection
ISBN 9780691120652 , 2004 , Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique
ISBN 9780631224402 , 2002
Organizing and Organizations
ISBN 9781412901291 , 2005 , Stephen Fineman, David Sims, Yiannis Gabriel
Managing nonprofit organizations in the 21st century
ISBN 9780897746540 , 1992 , James P. Gelatt
Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities
ISBN 9781452242224 , 2013 , W. Richard Scott
Ethnography on an Awkward Scale: On Qualitative Method in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781594514661 , 2012 , Jean Comaroff
Media Audiences: The Unwritten Ethnography
ISBN 9780198711414 , 1998 , Ellen Seiter
Understanding Gender and Organizations
ISBN 9781848600164 , 2009 , Mats Alvesson, Yvonne Due Billing
Organizations: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780199584536 , 2011 , Mary Jo Hatch
An ethnography of four non-governmental development organizations: Oxfam America, Grassroots International, ACCION International, and Cultural Survical, Inc
ISBN 9780773483613 , 1998 , Diana Joyce Fox
Revenue Management for Service Organizations
ISBN 9781606491478 , 2010 , Paul Rouse, Julie Harrison
Ethnography and the Historical Imagination
ISBN 9780813313054 , 1992 , Jean Comaroff
Organizations in Action: Social Science Bases of Administrative Theory
ISBN 9780765809919 , 2003 , W. Richard Scott, James D. Thompson
Social Organizations: Interaction Inside, Outside and Between Organizations
ISBN 9780803989214 , 1994 , Goran Ahrne
Moral Leadership in Action: Building and Sustaining Moral Competence in European Organizations
ISBN 9781843763338 , 2003 , Heidi von Weltzien Høivik
Whose development?: an ethnography of aid
ISBN 9781856496063 , 1998 , Emma Crewe, Elizabeth Harrison
Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations
ISBN 9780875844404 , 1993
Leadership: understanding the dynamics of power and influence in organizations
ISBN 9780268043674 , 2007 , Robert P. Vecchio
The Organization of Hypocrisy: Talk, Decisions, and Actions in Organizations
ISBN 9788279350231 , 2002 , Nils Brunsson
Understanding Organizations Through Language
ISBN 9780761967194 , 2003
Whose development?: an ethnography of aid
ISBN 9781856496056 , 1998 , Emma Crewe, Elizabeth Harrison
Organizations Working Together
ISBN 9780803948273 , 1992 , Catherine Alter, Jerald Hage
Economic Approaches to Organizations
ISBN 9780273651994 , 2002 , Hein Schreuder, Sytse Wybren Douma