Søk: 'Family and the State of Theory'
The Crisis of the Welfare State: Ethics and Economics
ISBN 9781897969151 , 1993 , Michael Novak
The Theory of the Growth of the Firm
ISBN 9780199573844 , 2009 , 4. utgave
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
ISBN 9780465092840 , 2005 , Irvin D. Yalom, Molyn Leszcz
Spirituality and Family Therapy
ISBN 9780789019608 , 2003 , Thomas D. Carlson, Martin J. Erickson (MS.)
Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application
ISBN 9780781769969 , 2007 , Gary Kielhofner
Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9780071289429 , 2010 , John C. Martin
The Modern State
ISBN 9780415329330 , 2004 , Christopher Pierson
The State and the Economy under Capitalism
ISBN 9780415269902 , 2001 , Adam Przeworski
State of siege
ISBN 9781852428396 , 2003 , Juan Goytisolo, Helen Lane
The European Rescue of the Nation-State
ISBN 9780415216296 , 1999 , Alan Steele Milward, Federico Romero
The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty
ISBN 9780593048917 , 2004 , Kitty Kelley
Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market
ISBN 9780415564038 , 2010 , Peter Gries, Stanley Rosen
ISBN 9780415226295 , 2003 , David Cheal, David H.J. Morgan
The European Rescue of the Nation State
ISBN 9780203982150 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
ISBN 9780745619125 , 1997 , Norberto Bobbio
Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations
ISBN 9780521521567 , 2005 , Norman Yoffee
The rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction
ISBN 9780814210697 , 2007 , Richard Walsh
The Theory and Analysis of Drama
ISBN 9780521423830 , 1991
The European Rescue of the Nation-state
ISBN 9780415216289 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
Lineages of the Absolutist State
ISBN 9780860917106 , 1979 , Perry Anderson
Somali: Nation and State in the Horn of Africa
ISBN 9780821414958 , 2003 , Ioan M. Lewis
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
ISBN 9780393974294 , 2001 , Vincent B. Leitch
Gaia: And the Theory of the Living Planet
ISBN 9781856752312 , 2005 , James E. Lovelock
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780415277747 , 2002 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee
Taming the Regulatory State: Politics and Ethics
ISBN 9781848444232 , 2009 , Noralv Veggeland
Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780521731928 , 2009 , Steven E. Lobell
Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780521517058 , 2009 , Steven E. Lobell
'Interview with the Vampire' and 'Wuthering Heights' and the Diabolical Reversal of the Nuclear Family
ISBN 9783638793209 , 2007 , Bianca Stärk
The Theory and Practice of Hydrodynamics and Vibration
ISBN 9789810249229 , 2002 , S. K. Chakraborty, Philip L. Liu, Yeow Hwa
Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
ISBN 9780203451823 , 2003 , An-Magritt Jensen, Lorna McKee