Søk: 'Growth, Inequality, and Globalization: Theory, History, and Policy'
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Globalization and Crime
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Globalization and Football
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Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events
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Public Sector Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice
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Globalization and Literature
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Cultures and Globalization
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Economics, governance and law: essays on theory and policy
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Study Guide for International Economics: Theory and Policy
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A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, And Climate Policy
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Globalization in World History
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Gestalt therapy: history, theory, and practice
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Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations
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Globalization: A Short History
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Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning
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Technology and Society: Social Networks, Work, and Inequality
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Interdisciplinarity: History, Theory, and Practice
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Stratification: Social Division and Inequality
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Stratification: Social Division and Inequality
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Study Guide for International Economics: Theory and Policy
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Alois Riegl: Art History and Theory
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Food, Globalization and Sustainability
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Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice
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Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
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Democracy, governance, and growth
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Film history: theory and practice
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Further Essays on Economic Theory and Policy
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Agricultural Price Distortions, Inequality, and Poverty
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Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
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Essays on Balance of Payments Constrained Growth: Theory and Evidence
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