Søk: 'Health and Development: The Role of International Organizations'
Closing Or Widening the Gap?: Legitimacy and Democracy in Regional International Organizations
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The Origins and Development of the English Language
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Asia-Pacific Diplomacy: Nongovernmental Organizations and International Relations
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Community Nutrition: A Handbook for Health and Development Workers
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A Thematic Guide to Documents on Health and Human Rights: Global and Regional Standards Adopted by Intergovernmental Organizations, International Non-governmental Organizations and Professional Associations
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Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences with Statdisk: Pearson New International Edition
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Organizing and Organizations
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Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development
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Work, Worklessness, and the Political Economy of Health
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Biopolitical Surveillance and Public Health in International Politics
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The Sociology of Health and Health Care in Israel
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Why People Cooperate: The Role of Social Motivations
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Theories and Practices of Development
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The Development of Social Cognition and Communication
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The Sociology of health and health care in Israel
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Primary health care for sustainable development
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Power and Organizations
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Organizations and Organizing: Pearson New International Edition: Rational, Natural and Open Systems Perspectives
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Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations
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The Handbook of Local and Regional Development
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Global Health Governance: International Law And Public Health In A Divided World
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The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research
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The Business of Ethnography: Strategic Exchanges, People and Organizations
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Understanding Gender and Organizations
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