Søk: 'History of Modern Design: Graphics and Products Since the Industrial Revolution'
Inclusive Buildings, Products and Services: Challenges in Universal Design
ISBN 9788251923446 , 2009
A History of Modern Europe
ISBN 9780393934335 , 2009 , John M. Merriman
Modern Architecture Since 1900
ISBN 9780714835242 , 1996
History of Modern Seychelles
ISBN 9781405060349 , 2007 , Shillington
A History of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9780073385549 , 2013 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer
Flash Web design: the art of motion graphics : the V5 remix
ISBN 9780735710986 , 2001 , Hillman Curtis
Studyguide for History of the Modern World: Since 1815 by R. R. Palmer, ISBN 9780073255033
ISBN 9781616541620 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9781446418024 , 2011 , Tony Judt
The Making of Modern South Africa - Conquest Apartheid Democracy and History of Modern Africa Set
ISBN 9780470465417 , 2008 , Nigel Worden
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
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Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s
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A History of the Modern World
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A History of the Modern Middle East
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Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems
ISBN 9781580530064 , 1999 , Robert Popoli, Samuel S. Blackman
Graphics and Visualization
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A history of the modern world
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The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Since 1865
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As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution
ISBN 9780199241071 , 2001 , Christopher Freeman, Francisco Louçã,m.fl.
Technical Design Graphics: Problem Solvers
ISBN 9780878915347 , 1984 , Research and Education Association
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting
ISBN 9780750658072 , 2004 , Deon Reynders, Steve Mackay, Edwin Wright,m.fl.
The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods, And New Directions in the Study of Modern History
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Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130423634 , 2001 , Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George
Holy Warriors: A Modern History of the Crusades
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Women And the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History
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Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780131273917 , 2004 , Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
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British Society Since 1945: The Penguin Social History of Britain
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A History of World Societies: Since 1500
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A Concise History of Modern India
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A History of Modern Tunisia
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