Søk: 'Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design'
Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
ISBN 9788177589795 , 2008 , Craig Larman
Introduction to Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780132699457 , 1997 , Robert L. Boylestad
Design and Analysis of Experiments
ISBN 9781118097939 , 2012 , Douglas C. Montgomery
Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks: Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design
ISBN 9780471293422 , 2002 , Martin L. Shooman
Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business
ISBN 9781118674369 , 2013 , R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, Casey G. Cegielski
Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications
ISBN 9781599048871 , 2008 , Mahbubur Rahman Syed, Sharifun Nessa Syed
Power System Analysis and Design
ISBN 9781111425777 , 2011 , Mulukutla S. Sarma, J. Duncan Glover,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
ISBN 9780321263544 , 2005 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management
ISBN 9780132943260 , 2014 , Carolyn Begg, Thomas M. Connolly
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method
ISBN 9780415585705 , 2010 , James Paul Gee
An introduction to multiagent systems
ISBN 9780471496915 , 2002 , Mike Wooldridge, Michael J. Wooldridge
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780273751502 , 2011 , William Stallings
An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
ISBN 9780387242668 , 2006 , Tim Coelli, D.S. Prasada Rao,m.fl.
Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design
ISBN 9780080966656 , 2011 , Michael F. Ashby, David Rayner Hunkin Jones
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
ISBN 9780135053768 , 2008 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
ISBN 9780716799023 , 2008 , Richard C. Lewontin, Susan R. Wessler,m.fl.
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780133805918 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
An introduction to geographical information systems
ISBN 9780131293175 , 2006 , Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, D. Ian Heywood
Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780495667964 , 2010 , Muhammad H. Rashid
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780826491152 , 2007 , Anthony J. Liddicoat
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780826491145 , 2007 , Anthony J. Liddicoat
Introduction to Urban Housing Design
ISBN 9780750659024 , 2005 , Graham Towers
An introduction to the green economy : science, systems and sustainability
ISBN 9780415711616 , 2014 , Dr. Adrian C. Newton
Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design
ISBN 9780201361834 , 2002 , Richard R. Spencer, Mohammed Shuaib Ghausi
An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis
ISBN 9780817639624 , 2004 , David F. Walnut
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISBN 9788120332782 , 2007 , R. Panneerselvam
Si Power System Analysis And Design
ISBN 9781111425791 , 2011 , Mulukutla S. Sarma, J. Duncan Glover,m.fl.
Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 To the Present
ISBN 9780415263368 , 2004 , Professor Penny Sparke
An introduction to the design and analysis of experiments in behavioral research
ISBN 9780819148070 , 1985 , Andrew J. Bush, John Joseph Kennedy