Søk: 'Islam: the straight path'
Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah
ISBN 9780231134996 , 2006 , Olivier Roy
Islam: ei faktabok
ISBN 9788243003644 , 2006 , Knut S. Vikør
Footprint Brazil: Tread Your Own Path
ISBN 9781904777151 , 2004 , Alex Robinson
Islam og kristendom: konflikt og dialog
ISBN 9788253037004 , 2014 , Oddbjørn Leirvik
Islam og det moderne
ISBN 9788279351863 , 2006 , Lars Gule
The Path of Daggers: Book Eight of 'The Wheel of Time'
ISBN 9780812550290 , 1999 , Robert Jordan
Western Muslims and the Future of Islam
ISBN 9780195183566 , 2005 , Tariq Ramadan
Women in Islam
ISBN 9780415248969 , 2001 , Anne-Sofie Roald
Islam and the West: Conflict Or Cooperation?
ISBN 9781403903587 , 2003 , Amin Saikal
Islam: ei faktabok
ISBN 9788243002234 , 2002 , Knut S. Vikør
The path of daggers: book eight of The wheel of time
ISBN 9781857235692 , 1999 , Robert Jordan
Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
ISBN 9780801878480 , 2003 , Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, Daniel Brumberg
Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity
ISBN 9780804747684 , 2003 , Talal Asad
Islam, migration and integration: the age of securitization
ISBN 9780230516793 , 2009 , Ayhan Kaya
Islam and Politics in Afghanistan
ISBN 9780700702992 , 2013 , Asta Olesen
Inside the gender Jihad: women's reform in Islam
ISBN 9781851684632 , 2006 , Amina Wadud
Mawlana Mawdudi and Political Islam: Authority and the Islamic State
ISBN 9780415474122 , 2011 , Roy Jackson
Høytidene: Islam
ISBN 9788202193416 , 2000 , Pål Wiik, Ragnhild Bakke Waale
Islam and politics.
ISBN 9780815627746 , 1998 , John L. Esposito
The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Path to Independence
ISBN 9780300060782 , 1994
Encountering the Transnational: Women Islam and the Politics of Interpretation
ISBN 9780754671237 , 2008 , Meena Sharify-Funk
Towards Understanding Islam
ISBN 9780860370536 , 1998 , Sayyid Abula'la Maududi, Khurshid Ahmad
Islam-- tradisjon, fundamentalisme og reform
ISBN 9788202220891 , 2005 , Kari Vogt
Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gulen Movement
ISBN 9780815630401 , 2003 , John L. Esposito, M. Hakan Yavuz
Political Islam: a critical reader
ISBN 9780415560283 , 2010
A Woman's Path: Motherhood, Love and Personal Development
ISBN 9781855842144 , 2009 , Almut Bockemuhl, Pauline Wehrle
Islam for begynnere
ISBN 9788278220139 , 1996 , Ziauddin Sardar, Zafar Abbas Malik
The Path to Addiction...: And Other Troubles We Are Born to Know.
ISBN 9781438916750 , 2008 , Richard McKenzie Neal
The Ancestral Path Tarot Book: Paths to Wisdom Using the Ancestral Pathtarot
ISBN 9780880791762 , 1997 , Tracey Hoover, Julie Cuccia Watts
Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam
ISBN 9780195154351 , 2002 , John L. Esposito