Søk: 'Janson's History of Art: The Middle Ages: Portable Edition -'
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405183796 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
Art Through the Ages An Introduction to Its History and Significance
ISBN 9781417908745 , 2004 , Helen Gardner
Art History: The Basics
ISBN 9780415373081 , 2007
Citizens to lords: a social history of western political thought from antiquity to the Middle Ages
ISBN 9781844672431 , 2008
Behind the Castle Gate: Castles at the End of the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415261005 , 2002
The Portable MBA in Enterpeneurship 3rd Edition With The Portable MBA in Enterpeneurship Case Studies 1st Edition Set
ISBN 9780471671879 , 2004 , 3. utgave , William D. Bygrave
A history of the modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813334899 , 2000 , William L. Cleveland
Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages
ISBN 9781844677061 , 2011
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405152044 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
The Portable Door
ISBN 9781841492087 , 2004 , Tom Holt
The Social History of Roman Art
ISBN 9780521016599 , 2008 , Peter Stewart
The history of commercial partnerships in the Middle Ages / Max Weber ; translated and introduced by Lutz Kaelber.
ISBN 9780742520493 , 2002 , Max Weber, Charles C. Lemert, Lutz Kaelber
Janson's History of Art
ISBN 9780205685172 , 2010 , Penelope J.E. Davies, Frima Fox Hofrichter,m.fl.
History of the Theatre: International Edition
ISBN 9780205680658 , 2009 , Oscar Gross Brockett, Franklin Joseph Hildy
Drawing Upon Art for Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Concise Global History, 2nd: A Concise Global History, 2nd
ISBN 9780495572367 , 2009 , Fred S Kleiner
Book Illumination in the Middle Ages: An Introduction
ISBN 9781872501765 , 1994 , Otto Pächt
Methods & Theories of Art History
ISBN 9781856698993 , 2012 , Anne D'Alleva
Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780140137552 , 1990 , R. W. Southern
The Norton Anthology of English Literature Major Authors Edition: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration And the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780393928303 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology
ISBN 9780192842428 , 1998 , Donald Preziosi
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405106818 , 2005 , Youssef M. Choueiri
Studyguide for Gardners Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective by Fred S. Kleiner, ISBN 9780495004783
ISBN 9781616982546 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Studyguide for Gardners Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective by Fred S. Kleiner, ISBN 9780495573555
ISBN 9781616982515 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Art History: The Basics
ISBN 9780415373098 , 2007
A History of the Art of Writing
ISBN 9781430498896 , 2007 , William A. Mason
A History Of The Art Of Writing
ISBN 9780548192962 , 2007 , William A. Mason
The Modern Middle East: A History
ISBN 9780195327595 , 2008 , James L. Gelvin
Great Christian Thinkers: From the Early Church Through the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780800698515 , 2011
Critical Terms for Art History, Second Edition
ISBN 9780226571683 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Richard Shiff, Robert S. Nelson
Unpredictability and Presence: Norwegian Kingship in the High Middle Ages
ISBN 9789004166615 , 2008 , Hans Jacob Orning