Søk: 'Language, Usage and Cognition'
Language and Media
ISBN 9780415303262 , 2006 , Joanna Thornborrow
Language and Media
ISBN 9780415303279 , 2006 , Joanna Thornborrow
Language and Culture
ISBN 9780194372145 , 1998 , Claire J. Kramsch, H.G. Widdowson
Anxiety and Cognition: An Unified Theory
ISBN 9780863774782 , 1997 , Michael W. Eysenck
Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction
ISBN 9780761942191 , 2006 , Iain Walker, Ngaire Donaghue, Martha Augoustinos
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
ISBN 9781107675964 , 2014 , Jack C. Richards
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780123814401 , 2010
Developing Language and Literacy
ISBN 9780470977460 , 2011 , Julia M. Carroll, Claudine Bowyer-Crane,m.fl.
Social Cognition: Key Readings
ISBN 9780863775918 , 2005 , David Lewis Hamilton
Reading and Language Learning
ISBN 9781405175746 , 2007 , Keiko Koda
The Philosophy of Mind and Cognition: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405133241 , 2006 , Frank Jackson, David Braddon-Mitchell
Social Cognition: Key Readings
ISBN 9780863775901 , 2005 , David Lewis Hamilton
Teaching a foreign language: principles and procedures
ISBN 9788245005684 , 2007 , Aud Marit Simensen
Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture
ISBN 9781446258156 , 2013 , Susan T Fiske
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780123750709 , 2010
Language Development
ISBN 9781444331462 , 2012 , Patricia Brooks, Vera Kempe
Child Development at the Intersection of Emotion and Cognition
ISBN 9781433806865 , 2009 , Susan D. Calkins, Martha Ann Bell
Language and Human Relations
ISBN 9780511512988 , 2009 , Clyne/Norrby/Warren
Language and reading disabilities
ISBN 9780205444175 , 2005 , Alan G. Kamhi, Hugh William Catts
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780080546988 , 2007
Language and Species
ISBN 9780226046112 , 1992 , Derek Bickerton
Adolescent Rationality and Development: Cognition, Morality, and Identity, Third Edition
ISBN 9781848728608 , 2011 , 3. utgave , David Moshman
Language and the Internet
ISBN 9780521868594 , 2006 , David Crystal
Hot thought: mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition
ISBN 9780262201643 , 2006 , Paul Thagard, Fred Kroon
Child Language: Acquisition and Development
ISBN 9781412902328 , 2005 , Matthew Saxton
Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology
ISBN 9780199228218 , 2009 , Gary Hatfield
WIE Cognition, 5th Edition
ISBN 9780471427780 , 2003 , 5. utgave
Language and Professional Identity
ISBN 9781403938008 , 2006 , Richards Keith
Language and Reading Disabilities: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292021980
Globalization and Language Teaching
ISBN 9780203193679 , 2002 , Deborah Cameron, David Block