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Avalon: den eventyrlige fortellingen om kvinnene rundt Kong Arthurs hoff
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Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, Nation, and the Global City
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Kong Harald og hans familie: et fotoalbum fra klassekameraten
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A Magistrate's Court in Nineteenth Century Hong Kong - Court in Time
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Dronninger og prinsesser i kong Olavs nærmeste slekt
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A business in risk: Jardine Matheson and the Hong Kong trading industry
ISBN 9780275980351 , 2004 , Carol Matheson Connell
Admiralty Jurisdiction: Law and Practice in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong
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Kong Arthur; legenden om heltekongen og ridderne av det runde bord
ISBN 9788247803776 , 1999 , Rosalind Kerven, Lisa Lanzarini
Dronningen vi ikke fikk: en biografi om kronprinsesse Märtha og kong Olav
ISBN 9788247602607 , 2003 , Trond Norén Isaksen,m.fl.
Hong Kong Film, Hollywood And the New Global Cinema: No Film Is an Island
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Kong Christian Den Fjerdes Norske Lovbog Af 1604: Efter Foranstaltning Af Det Akademiske Kollegium V
ISBN 9781113029652 , 2009 , Norway Fr. Brandt Frederik H Hallager
A Christian Painter of the Nineteenth Century, Being the Life of Hippolyte Flandrin, by the Author of "A Dominican Artist".
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Kong Leopolds arv: en beretning om grådighet, forferdelser og heroisme i det koloniale Afrika
ISBN 9788253027685 , 2005 , Adam Hochschild, Mie Hidle
Kong Christian Den Fjerdes Norske Lovbog Af 1604: Efter Foranstaltning Af Det Akademiske Kollegium V
ISBN 9781113029683 , 2009 , Norway Fr. Brandt Frederik H Hallager
Governing Hong Kong: Administrative Officers from the 19th Century to the Handover to China, 1862-1997
ISBN 9781845115258 , 2007 , Steve Yui-Sang Tsang
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ISBN 9783540735465 , 2007 , Bin Xiao, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Jianhua Ma,m.fl.
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Shakespeare and the Supernatural: A Brief Study of Folklore, Superstition, and Witchcraft in Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and the Tempest
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Kong Leopolds arv: en beretning om grådighet, forferdelser og heroisme i det koloniale Afrika
ISBN 9788253023991 , 2002 , Adam Hochschild
Fortellingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis - Fortellinger om Kong Arthur og ridderne av Det runde bord
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