Søk: 'Made In China: Women Factory Workers In A Global Workplace'
Corporate governance in banking: a global perspective
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Women in Old Norse Society
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Personnel Economics: Incentives and Information in the Workplace
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Analysing English in a Global Context: A Reader
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The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices
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Religions in Global Society
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Religions in Global Society
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Integrating China: Transition Into Global Economy
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A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective
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Banking Reform in India and China
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Women in Tibet, Past and Present
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China and the Global Political Economy
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Analysing English in a Global Context: A Reader
ISBN 9780415241168 , 2000 , Anne Burns Caroline Coffin
Images of Women in Antiquity
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Women in India, two perspectives
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Advances of Psychological Science in China
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Getting the Message: Communications Workers and Global Value Chains
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Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China
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Anatomy of Political Power in China
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China and the Global Political Economy
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Religion in Global Politics
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Banking Reform in India and China
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Communicating in global business negotiations: a geocentric approach
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Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
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Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era
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Women in Islam: The Western Experience
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Wayward Women: Sexuality And Agency in a New Guinea Society
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