Søk: 'Making Social Science Matter'
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
ISBN 9780813551531 , 2011
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
ISBN 9780813551548 , 2011
ISBN 9780522857443 , 2010 , David G. Penington
Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality
ISBN 9780761829041 , 2004 , Bernie Koenig
An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making
ISBN 9780314096876 , 1996 , David Ray Anderson, Thomas Arthur Williams,m.fl.
A Critique of Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science
ISBN 9780521892759 , 2002 , W. G. Runciman
Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality
ISBN 9780761829034 , 2004 , Bernie Koenig
Making Sense: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing : Social Sciences
ISBN 9780195430578 , 2009 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter
ISBN 9780393343908 , 2013 , Terrence W. Deacon
Making sense: a student's guide to research and writing : social sciences
ISBN 9780195421002 , 2005 , James Russell, Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey
Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change
ISBN 9780716732549 , 2000 , Peter William Atkins, Loretta Lucek Jones
Military Pedagogies and Why They Matter
ISBN 9789087906252 , 2008 , Tone Kvernbekk, Harold Simpson, Michael A. Peters
Earth Science
ISBN 9780321709967
Concepts & Methods in Social Science: The Tradition Of Giovanni Sartori
ISBN 9780415775779 , 2008 , John Gerring, David Collier
Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe: Making Multicultural Democracy Work?
ISBN 9780230244160 , 2011 , Laura Morales, Marco G. Giugni
European Foreign Policies: Does Europe Still Matter?
ISBN 9780742557796 , 2010 , Nathalie Tocci, Ronald Tiersky,m.fl.
European foreign policies: does Europe still matter?
ISBN 9780742557789 , 2010 , Ronald Tiersky, John Van Oudenaren
Operasjonsanalyse: management science
ISBN 9788215020822 , 2013 , Morten Helbæk
Women And the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History
ISBN 9780300117899 , 2007 , Alice T. Friedman
Making sense: social sciences : a student's guide to research and writing
ISBN 9780195416473 , 2002 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Making Waves: Engineering, Politics and the Social Management of Technology
ISBN 9780252021497 , 1995 , E. Wenk
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199588053 , 2012 , Alan Bryman
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780273725961 , 2010 , Graham M. Vaughan, Dr Michael A Hogg
Lord John And the Private Matter
ISBN 9780099461173 , 2004 , Diana Gabaldon
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780273764595 , 2013 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham M. Vaughan
"They Say / I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
ISBN 9780393935844 , 2014 , Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein
Making Political Ecology
ISBN 9780340809396 , 2005 , Roderick P. Neumann, Rod Neumann
Making History
ISBN 9780099457060 , 2004 , Stephen Fry
Analyzing Social Science Data: 50 Key Problems in Data Analysis
ISBN 9780761959380 , 2002 , D. A. De Vaus
Making Corporate Social Responsibility a Global Concern: Norm Construction in a Globalizing World
ISBN 9780754677079 , 2010