Søk: 'Marketing and the Internet'
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032102 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077167950 , 2015 , David Jobber, John Fahy
The Internet: an ethnographic approach
ISBN 9781859733899 , 2000 , Daniel Miller, Don Slater
Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural ...
ISBN 9781452257174 , 2013 , Marieke de Mooij
Advertising Research: The Internet, Consumer Behavior, and Strategy
ISBN 9780877572886 , 2000 , George Martin Zinkhan,m.fl.
The interplay of influence: news, advertising, politics, and the Internet
ISBN 9780534559380 , 2005 , Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Karlyn Kohrs Campbell
International Marketing and Export Management
ISBN 9780273743880 , 2011 , Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
ISBN 9781292000411 , 2013 , Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost
Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
ISBN 9780471698685 , 2008 , Don A. Dillman, Leah Melani Christian
New Parties, New Media: Italy and the Internet
ISBN 9781902496078 , 1999
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878091 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781485102649 , 2014 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
The Internet, The Web, And EBusiness: Formalizing Applications For The Real World
ISBN 9780810851672 , 2005 , Kai A. Olsen
Internet Cafe Guide the Book
ISBN 9788299481304 , 1999 , Ernst Larsen
Direct and Interactive Marketing
ISBN 9780198782537 , 2001 , Douglas West
American libraries and the Internet: the social construction of Web appropriation and use
ISBN 9781934043875 , 2008
Services Marketing
ISBN 9780071086967 , 2012 , Valarie A. Zeithaml, Dwayne D. Gremler
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401546 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136009986 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Phil Kotler
The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You
ISBN 9780241954522 , 2012
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702177392 , 2009 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Marketing in Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780750686938 , 2009 , Victor T. C. Middleton, Michael Morgan
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273718567 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet
ISBN 9780080441245 , 2005
ISBN 9780199290437 , 2008 , Chris Fill Paul Baines, Kelly Page
Informationssokning på Internet
ISBN 9789144053691 , 2008 , Lars Våge, Hercules Dalianis, Lars Iselid
Fundamentals of Retailing and Shopper Marketing
ISBN 9780273757399 , 2012 , Jan Hillesland, Thomas E. Rudolph, Odd Gisholt,m.fl.
Principles and Practice of Marketing
ISBN 9780077123307 , 2010 , David Jobber
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780131457577 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, KEVIN LANE AUTOR KELLER
Access denied: the practice and policy of global Internet filtering
ISBN 9780262541961 , 2008 , Ronald Deibert, Rafal Rohozinski, John Palfrey,m.fl.