Søk: 'Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware'
Teen Television: Essays on Programming and Fandom
ISBN 9780786435890 , 2008 , Sharon Marie Ross, Louisa Ellen Stein
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition
ISBN 9781558606043 , 2004 , 3. utgave , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Co-verification of Hardware and Software for ARM SoC Design
ISBN 9780750677301 , 2004
Mathematical programming: structures and algorithms
ISBN 9780471778868 , 1979
Programming in C and PC Applications
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RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability
ISBN 9780471720928 , 2006 , Pong P. Chu
Concurrent and Real-time Programming in Ada
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Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
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Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java
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Semirings for Soft Constraint Solving and Programming
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Co-synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
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Java Programming Language and Hello Word Package
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An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
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Foundations of multithreaded, parallel, and distributed programming
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Amiga Hardware Reference Manual
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Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers
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Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR [With CDROM]
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Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS
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Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning
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A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Codesign
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The architecture of computer hardware and systems software: an information technology approach
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Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP
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Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers
ISBN 9780131918658 , 2005 , Barry (Associate Professor Wilkinson,m.fl.
The principles of computer hardware
ISBN 9780198564539 , 2000 , Alan Clements
PC Answers: Hardware Installation Troubleshooter
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Computer Concepts And C Programming (As Per Vtu)
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Programming Python
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Programming Android
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Mathematics for 3d Game Programming and Computer Graphics
ISBN 9781584502777 , 2003