Søk: 'Operating Systems: Concurrent and Distributed Software Disign'
Analysis of Cache Performance for Operating Systems and Multiprogramming
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Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems
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Nonlinear and Distributed Circuits
ISBN 9780849372766 , 2005 , Chen Wai-Kai
Software Engineering for Real-time Systems
ISBN 9780201596205 , 2002 , J. E. Cooling
Outlines & Highlights for Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum: 0130313580
ISBN 9781618300812 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Distributed Leadership
ISBN 9780787965389 , 2006
Concurrent simultaneous engineering systems: the way to successful product development
ISBN 9783540760030 , 1996 , Hans-Jorg Bullinger, Joachim Warschat
Applying Design for Six Sigma to Software and Hardware Systems
ISBN 9780137144303 , 2009 , Eric Maass, Patricia D. McNair, Tom Judd
Studyguide for Distributed Systems Concepts and Design by Coulouris, ISBN 9780201619188: 0201619180
ISBN 9781428807525 , 2006 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software
ISBN 9781449302146 , 2011 , Elecia White
Mutiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
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Algorithms: sequential, parallel, and distributed
ISBN 9780534420574 , 2005 , Jerome L. Paul
Security engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems
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Concurrent and Real-time Programming in Ada
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Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives
ISBN 9780321112293 , 2005 , Nick Rozanski, Eóin Woods
Software Engineering
ISBN 9780137053469 , 2010 , 9. utgave , Ian Sommerville
Driver Information Systems: Rules and Specifications for Structuring, Implementing and Operating European Driver Information Systems : Handbook
ISBN 9789282660133 , 1993 , European Communities
Chaos-Based Digital Communication Systems: Operating Principles, Analysis Methods, and Performance Evaluation
ISBN 9783540006022 , 2003 , Francis C. M. Lau, Chi Kong Tse
Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java
ISBN 9780470844373 , 2004 , Andrew Wellings
Operating System: Concepts And Techniques
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A Handbook of Software and Systems Engineering: Empirical Observations, Laws, and Theories
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Concurrent Programming in Erlang
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Co-synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
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Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming
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Pentium Software and Hardware
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Operating System Concepts
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Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns
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The architecture of computer hardware and systems software: an information technology approach
ISBN 9780471073253 , 2003 , Irv Englander
Operating system concepts
ISBN 9780471694663 , 2005 , Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne,m.fl.
Software Takes Command
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