Søk: 'Patient & Person: Interpersonal Skills in Nursing'
Yrkessjåfør; person-og godstransport
ISBN 9788256272266
Teaching Nursing:
ISBN 9780201092653 , 1990 , Sandra DeYoung
Valuepack:Psychology in Education/Effective Study Skills: Essential Skills for Academic and Career Success
ISBN 9781408200162 , 2008 , Anita Woolfolk, Malcolm Hughes, Vivienne Walkup,m.fl.
Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck
ISBN 9781451109146 , 2011 , Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck
Yrkessjåfør: person- og godstransport
ISBN 9788256272525 , 2012 , Bernhard Hauge, Bjørn Norheim, Ståle Lødemel,m.fl.
Self-presentation: impression management and interpersonal behavior
ISBN 9780813330044 , 1996 , Mark R. Leary
Skills: helse- og oppvekstfag
ISBN 9788205403123 , 2013 , Gro Lokøy, Janniche Langseth, Hege Lundgren,m.fl.
New Directions in History of Nursing: International Perspectives
ISBN 9780415304337 , 2004
Computer applications in nursing education and practice
ISBN 9780887375224 , 1992 , Jean M. Arnold, Gayle Angus Pearson
Between China and Europe: person, culture and emotion in Macao
ISBN 9780826457486 , 2002
Introducing Nursing Ethics: Themes in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781903877227 , 2004 , Stephen Holland
Franz Kafka, the Jewish patient
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A-Z of Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare
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Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach
ISBN 9781451146271 , 2012 , Patricia Gonce Morton, Dorrie K. Fontaine
The Study Skills Handbook
ISBN 9780230573055 , 2008 , Stella Cottrell
First Person Past: American Autobiographies
ISBN 9781881089292 , 1994 , Russell Duncan, Marian J. Morton
Excellence in Enterprise and Social and Vocational Skills
ISBN 9780340971345 , 2008 , Douglas Weir, Jill Christie, Kate Donaldson,m.fl.
Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics, second edition
ISBN 9781551110820 , 1996 , 2. utgave , Michael Yeo, Anne Moorhouse
The Complete Textbook of Veterinary Nursing
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From GSM to Lte: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology
ISBN 9780470667118 , 2010
Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing
ISBN 9780397550883 , 1996 , Elizabeth T. Anderson, Judith M. McFarlane
Practical Skills in Biology. Jonathan Weyers, Rob Reed and Allan Jones
ISBN 9781408245477 , 2012 , Jonathan Weyers
Skills for Midwifery Practice
ISBN 9780702031465 , 2010 , Wendy Taylor, Ruth Johnson
Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings: Human Factors, Team Psychology, and Patient Safety in a High Stakes Environment
ISBN 9783642196997 , 2011 , Michael St. Pierre, Cornelius Buerschaper,m.fl.
Multi Pack Biochemistry with Practical Skills in Biology
ISBN 9780582822405 , 2003
Multi Pack Biology with Practical Skills in Biology
ISBN 9780582831520 , 2003 , Neil A. Campbell, Sr. Jones, Sr.
Acute Neuroscience Nursing
ISBN 9780867203554 , 1986 , Jane Lundgren
Developing Essential Study Skills
ISBN 9781405840873 , 2006 , Elaine Payne
The Nature of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing, Second Edition
ISBN 9780826113061 , 2000 , 2. utgave , Hesook Suzie Kim
The New Consultation: Developing Doctor-Patient Communication
ISBN 9780192632883 , 2003 , David Pendleton, Theo Schofield, Dr. Peter Tate,m.fl.