Søk: 'Persian Letters'
Letters about Shelley, Interchanged by Three Friends--Edward Dowden, Richard Garnett and Wm. Michael
ISBN 9781115282611 , 2009 , William Michael Rossetti, Richard Garnett,m.fl.
Letters about Shelley, Interchanged by Three Friends--Edward Dowden, Richard Garnett and Wm. Michael
ISBN 9781115282604 , 2009 , William Michael Rossetti, Richard Garnett,m.fl.
Letters about Shelley, Interchanged by Three Friends--Edward Dowden, Richard Garnett and Wm. Michael
ISBN 9781115282635 , 2009 , William Michael Rossetti, Richard Garnett,m.fl.
In Albert's Shadow: The Life and Letters of Mileva Maric, Einstein's First Wife
ISBN 9780801878565 , 2003 , Mileva Einstein-Mari?, Mileva Maric,m.fl.
A Guide to the Art of Writing Business and Personal Letters: The Easy Way
ISBN 9781900694797 , 2008 , Samuel Davis
Will they ever trust us again? : letters from the war zone to Michael Moore
ISBN 9780713998542 , 2004 , Michael Moore
Richard Nixon, Great Britain and the Anglo-American Alignment in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: Making Allies Out of Clients
ISBN 9781845192778 , 2009 , Tore T. Petersen
A Collection of Treaties, Engagements And Sunnuds Relating to India and Nearby Countries - Turkish Arabia, Persian Gulf, Arabia and Africa
ISBN 9781846647581 , 2006 , C.U. Aitchison
Alcuin of York, c. A.D. 732 to 804: his life and letters
ISBN 9780900657214 , 1974 , Alcuin
The Letters of Johann Martin Boltzius, Lutheran Pastor in Ebenezer, Georgia: German Pietism in Colonial America, 1733-1765
ISBN 9780773447592 , 2009 , Russell C. Kleckley, Johann Martin Boltzius,m.fl.
The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters
ISBN 9780691032436 , 1997 , Pavel Aleksandrovich Florenskii
A Family History in Letters and Documents, 1667-1837, Concerning the Forefathers of Winthrop Sargent Gilman, and His Wife Abia Swift Lippincott Volume 1
ISBN 9781290006781 , 2012 , Emily Hoffman Gilman Noyes
The History: An Account of the Persian War on Greece, Including the Naval Battle at Salamis, the Battle With Athens at Marathon, and With Sparta at Thermopylae
ISBN 9781934941492 , 2009 , Herodotus
A Family History in Letters and Documents, 1667-1837: Concerning the Forefathers of Winthrop Sargent Gilman, and His Wife ABIA Swift Lippincott, Volume 1
ISBN 9781142640156 , 2010 , m.fl.
Land of Ashes and Diamonds: My Apprenticeship in Poland : Followed By. 26 Letters from Jerzy Grotowski to Eugenio Barba
ISBN 9781902867014 , 1999 , Eugenio Barba
Arnold Schonberg Correspondence: A Collection of Translated and Annotated Letters Exchanged with Guido Adler, Pablo Casals, Emanuel Feuermann and Olin Downes
ISBN 9780810824522 , 1991 , Arnold Schoenberg, Egbert M. Ennulat
The History of Gibraltar and of Its Political Relation to Events in Europe, from the Commencement of the Moorish Dynasty in Spain to the Last Morocco War: With Original and Unpublished Letters from the Prince of Hesse, Sir George Eliott, the Duc de Cri...
ISBN 9781142888251 , 2010 , Frederick Sayer