Søk: 'Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge'
Mathematical Knowledge: Its Growth Through Teaching
ISBN 9789048140954 , 2010 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
ISBN 9780745633176 , 2006 , Dan O'Brien
Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations: From Anarchy to Cosmopolis
ISBN 9781403968586 , 2005 , Robert Jackson
Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations: From Anarchy to Cosmopolis
ISBN 9781403968562 , 2005 , Robert Jackson
Church of England and the English Reformation
ISBN 9781860130489 , 1982 , Patrick Collinson
Geographies of Development in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847209665 , 2008 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy MacIlwaine
The Materiality of Learning: Technology and Knowledge in Educational Practice
ISBN 9780521182713 , 2011 , Estrid Sorensen
A Sonnet from Carthage: Garcilaso De La Vega and the New Poetry of Sixteenth-Century Europe
ISBN 9780812240047 , 2007 , Richard Helgerson
Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: The History of Archaeology in 19th- and 20th-century Greece
ISBN 9780754652892 , 2006 , D. Voutsaki
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
ISBN 9780762306374 , 2000 , Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle
Knowledge Education and Learning: E-Learning in the Knowledge Society
ISBN 9788759312490 , 2006 , Lars Qvortrup
The Reformation: A History
ISBN 9780812972955 , 2006 , Patrick Collinson
Fishers & Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast
ISBN 9781845453756 , 2010 , Ståle Knudsen
Journeys to the Other Shore: Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge
ISBN 9780691138404 , 2008 , Roxanne L. Euben
The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
ISBN 9789042917521 , 2006 , Klaas van Berkel, Arie Johan Vanderjagt
Modern English: Its Growth and Present Use
ISBN 9780559387401 , 2008 , George Philip Krapp
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Knowledge in Context: Knowledge, Community, And Culture
ISBN 9780415287357 , 2004 , Sandra Jovchelovitch
The End of Human Rights: Critical Legal Thought at the Turn of the Century
ISBN 9781841130002 , 2000 , Costas Douzinas
From Cranmer to Sancroft: Essays on English Religion in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
ISBN 9781852855048 , 2007 , Patrick Collinson
The Reformation: A History
ISBN 9780679643234 , 2003 , Patrick Collinson
The Atoning Work of Christ, Viewed in Relation to Some Current Theories, in Eight Sermons, Preached Before the University of Oxford, in the
ISBN 9781151903334 , 2010 , Baron William Thomson Kelvin
The History of Gibraltar and of Its Political Relation to Events in Europe, from the Commencement of the Moorish Dynasty in Spain to the Last Morocco War: With Original and Unpublished Letters from the Prince of Hesse, Sir George Eliott, the Duc de Cri...
ISBN 9781142888251 , 2010 , Frederick Sayer
Inventing the Louvre: Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-Century Paris
ISBN 9780520221765 , 1999 , Andrew McClellan
An Historical Inquiry into the Social Dynamics of Animal Exploitation in Relation to Structures of Class and Gender
ISBN 9780946180677 , 2003 , Richie Nimmo
Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780521016759 , 2002 , C. D. Innes
A Theory of War, by Other Means: Modern Political Thought in the Context of Evolutionary Psychology
ISBN 9780982947913 , 2010 , Federalist Publications
Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780520032163 , 1976 , Clarence J. Glacken
Personhood, professionalism and the helping relation: dialogues and reflections
ISBN 9788251918909 , 2003 , Eleanor Allgood,m.fl.
From Myth to Reason?: Studies in the Development of Greek Thought
ISBN 9780198152347 , 1999 , Richard F. Buxton