Søk: 'Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel'
Etravel And Tourism: Marketing And Management Techniques
ISBN 9780750658249 , 2007 , Ian McDonnell
Festivals and tourism: marketing, management and evaluation
ISBN 9781901888348 , 2004 , Mike Robinson, Philip Long
Rethinking International Trade
ISBN 9780262610957 , 1994 , Paul R. Krugman
Marketing in travel and tourism
ISBN 9780750609739 , 1994 , Victor T. C. Middleton
Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism
ISBN 9780851995410 , 2003 , John Buswell, Christine Williams
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: International Edition
ISBN 9780132453134 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen
Global Wine Tourism
ISBN 9781845931704 , 2007 , Jack Carlsen, Stephen Charters
Introduction to Travel and Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9780702156366 , 2001 , J. Alf Bennett, Johan Wilhelm Strydom
An Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology
ISBN 9780415186278 , 1999 , Peter Burns
Rethinking globalization: critical issues and policy choices
ISBN 9781842770542 , 2001 , Martin Khor
Rethinking Globalization: Critical Issues and Policy Choices
ISBN 9781842770559 , 2001 , Martin Khor, Kok Peng Khor
Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues, Trends And Cases
ISBN 9780750661331 , 2004
Destination culture: tourism, museums, and heritage
ISBN 9780520209664 , 1998 , Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
Worldwide Destinations: The Geography of Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780080970400 , 2012 , Brian G. Boniface, Robyn Cooper
Envisioning Eden: Mobilizing Imaginaries in Tourism and Beyond
ISBN 9780857459039 , 2012 , Noel B. Salazar
Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress
ISBN 9780761956068 , 1998 , John Barry
Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From Pacifism to Realism?
ISBN 9780804772174 , 2011 , Paul Midford
Consumer Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780750667357 , 2006 , Susan Horner, John Swarbrooke
Nature-Based Tourism: Environment and Land Management
ISBN 9781845934552 , 2008 , R. Buckley, C. Pickering, D B. Weaver
Tourism development: principles, processes, and policies
ISBN 9780442001223 , 1996 , William C. Gartner
Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture, the State and Islamism
ISBN 9781845111809 , 2006 , Salwa Ismail
Rethinking the Case Study in International Business and Management Research
ISBN 9780857933331 , 2012 , Rebecca Marschan-Piekkari, Catherine Welch
Accounting for Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
ISBN 9780582312951 , 1998 , Gareth Owen
Marketing Management for Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780748727834 , 1998
Connecting Engslish tourism
ISBN 9788250819306 , 2001
Tourism and Development in the Developing World
ISBN 9780415371513 , 2004 , David J. Telfer, Richard Sharpley
Sport & Tourism: A Reader
ISBN 9780415426886 , 2007 , Mike E. Weed
Carrots, Sticks, and Ethnic Conflict: Rethinking Development Assistance
ISBN 9780472089277 , 2003 , Ronald J. Herring, Milton Jacob Esman
Understanding Tourism: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781412922784 , 2010 , Kevin Hannam, Dan Knox
Tourism, Tourists & Society
ISBN 9781854502803 , 1999 , Richard Sharpley