Søk: 'Risk, Crisis and Security Management'
Flirting With Disaster: Public Management in Crisis Situations
ISBN 9781563245718 , 1995 , Saundra K. Schneider
Crisis Management in Today's Business Environment: HR's Strategic Role
ISBN 9781932132359 , 2007 , Nancy R. Lockwood
ISBN 9780415183338 , 1999 , Deborah Lupton
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
ISBN 9780071326407 , 2012 , Stephen H. Penman
Identity: Youth and Crisis
ISBN 9780393311440 , 1995 , Erik H. Erikson
Cryptography and Network Security
ISBN 9780071102230 , 2008 , Behrouz A. Forouzan
Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond (Exam SY0-301).
ISBN 9780071786195 , 2012 , Wm. Arthur Conklin, Dwayne Williams,m.fl.
Managing crisis before they happen [electronic resource]: what every executive and manager needs to know about crisis management
ISBN 9780814405635 , 2000
Crisis Communication
ISBN 9780749454005 , 2008 , Peter Anthonissen
ISBN 9781857280685 , 1995 , John Adams
Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity
ISBN 9781420090147 , 2012 , Jan Froestad, Clifford D. Shearing
Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding
ISBN 9781412983105 , 2011 , W. Timothy Coombs
An empire of indifference: American war and the fInancial logic of risk management
ISBN 9780822339793 , 2007 , Randy Martin
An Empire of Indifference: American War and the Financial Logic of Risk Management
ISBN 9780822339960 , 2007 , Randy Martin
Cryptography and Network Security
ISBN 9780071263610 , 2007 , Behrouz A. Forouzan
The Risk Management of Everything: Rethinking the Politics of Uncertainty
ISBN 9781841801278 , 2004 , Michael Power
Youth, risk, and Russian modernity
ISBN 9781855219151 , 2003 , Christopher Williams,m.fl.
Software Security: Building Security In
ISBN 9780321356703 , 2006 , Gary McGraw
Risk, Uncertainty, and Rational Action
ISBN 9781853837708 , 2001 , Ortwin Renn, Carlo C. Jaeger, Eugene A. Rosa
Crisis Four
ISBN 9780552145923 , 2000 , Andy McNab
Financial Risk Management in Banking: The Theory & Application of Asset & Liability Management
ISBN 9781557383532 , 1993 , Dennis G. Uyemura, Donald R. Van Deventer
Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
ISBN 9780857456533 , 2012 , Bruce Kapferer, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen
Misconceptions of Risk
ISBN 9780470683880 , 2010 , Terje Aven
At risk
ISBN 9780751538717 , 2006 , Patricia Cornwell
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780137056323 , 2010 , William Stallings
Project and program risk management: a guide to managing project risks and opportunities
ISBN 9781880410066 , 1991 , R.Max Wideman
Value at Risk
ISBN 9780071464956 , 2006 , Jorion Philippe
Rising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse
ISBN 9780415449403 , 2009 , Rex Li
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
ISBN 9780078025310 , 2012 , Stephen H. Penman
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
ISBN 9780071267809 , 2010 , Stephen H. Penman