Søk: 'Schaum's Outline of Differential Equations, 4th Edition'
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Applications Manual
ISBN 9780321615251 , 2008 , David E. Penney, C. Henry Edwards, David Calvis
Applied complex analysis with partial differential equations
ISBN 9780130892393 , 2002 , Nakhle H. Asmar, Gregory C. Jones
Learning Python, 4th edition
ISBN 9780596158064 , 2009 , 4. utgave , Mark Lutz
Local Theory of Nonlinear Analytic Ordinary Differential Equations
ISBN 9783540091141 , 1979 , Y.N. Bibikov
Finite Difference Schemes And Partial Differential Equations
ISBN 9780898715675 , 2004 , 2. utgave , John C. Strikwerda
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems
ISBN 9783540604525 , 1996 , Ernst Hairer
Schaums Outline of Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780071635097 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Monson H. Hayes
Beginning XML, 4th Edition
ISBN 9780470114872 , 2007 , 4. utgave , David Hunter, Jeff Rafter
A guided tour of differential equations: using computer technology
ISBN 9780135927670 , 1998 , Margie Hale, Alexandra Skidmore
Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
ISBN 9780471319993 , 2001 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Elementary Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems
ISBN 9780131457744 , 2004 , David E. Penney, C.H. Edwards,m.fl.
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
ISBN 9780471307891 , 2003 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
ISBN 9780471089551 , 1997 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Elementary Differential Equations Bound with Ide CD Package
ISBN 9780321398499 , 2005 , Werner E. Kohler, Lee W. Johnson
Existence Theory for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
ISBN 9780792345114 , 1997 , Donal O'Regan
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Using MATLAB
ISBN 9780534354251 , 1999 , Martin Golubitsky, Michael Dellnitz
Student solutions manual, to accompany Elementary differential equations, seventh edition and Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, seventh edition [by] William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
ISBN 9780471391142 , 2001 , 7. utgave , William E. Boyce, Charles W. Haines
JavaScript Bible, 4th Edition
ISBN 9780764533426 , 2001 , 4. utgave , Danny Goodman
A compendium on nonlinear ordinary differential equations
ISBN 9780471531340 , 1997 , P. L. Sachdev
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems
ISBN 9783540566700 , 1993 , E. Hairer, Gerhard Wanner
Periodic Table of the Elements, 4th Edition
ISBN 9783527318568 , 2007 , 4. utgave , Ekkehard Fluck, Klaus Gustav Heumann
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational Approach
ISBN 9783540225515 , 2004 , Aslak Tveito, Ragnar Winther
Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations
ISBN 9780412072215 , 1989 , John C. Strikwerda
Student Solutions Manual to accompany Boyce Elementary Differential Equations 9e and Elementary Differential Equations w/ Boundary Value Problems 8e
ISBN 9780470383353 , 2009 , 9. utgave , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
WIE Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
ISBN 9780471644545 , 2005 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Computational Partial Differential Equations: Numerical Methods and Diffapck
ISBN 9783540434160 , 2003 , Hans Petter Langtangen
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780132061155 , 2007 , David E. Penney, David Calvis,m.fl.
A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations
ISBN 9780521556552 , 1996 , A. Iserles
JavaTM For Dummies, 4th Edition
ISBN 9780470087169 , 2006 , 4. utgave
Economics of Strategy 4th Edition with Microeconomics 2nd Edition Set
ISBN 9780470198681 , 2008 , 4. utgave , David Besanko