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Mental leaps: analogy in creative thought
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Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
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The cool knife: imagery of gender, sexuality, and moral education in Kaguru initiation ritual
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The cool knife: imagery of gender, sexuality, and moral education in Kaguru initiation ritual
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A Burmese Historian of Buddhism
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Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things
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Political Thought in Europe, 1250-1450
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Concepts of Leadership in Western Political Thought
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Mentality and Thought: North, South, East and West
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An Introduction to Daoist Thought: Action, Language, and Ethics in Zhuangzi
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Green Political Thought
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Reformation Thought: An Introduction
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Myth and Thought Among the Greeks
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An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices
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And He Thought She Was Single
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Divided consciousness: multiple controls in human thought and action
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Islamic Thought: An Introduction
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In the Beginning: Discourse of Chasidic Thought
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Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors
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Moral Imagination in Kaguru Modes of Thought
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Language and thought in humans and computers: theory and research in psychology, artificial intelligence, and neural science
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Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community, Ethics
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