Søk: 'Sport Matters: Sociological Studies of Sport, Violence, and Civilization'
Sport, a prison of measured time: essays
ISBN 9780906133019 , 1978 , Jean Marie Brohm
Culture, Politics and Sport: Blowing the Whistle, Revisited
ISBN 9780415417075 , 2007 , Ian McDonald, Garry Whannel, Jennifer Hargreaves
Sport Business in the Global Marketplace
ISBN 9781403903006 , 2002 , Hans Westerbeek, Aaron Smith
The Gladiators: History's Most Deadly Sport
ISBN 9780285637047 , 2004 , Fik Meijer, Liz Waters
Nordic elite sport: same ambitions - different tracks
ISBN 9788215019390 , 2011 , Svein S. Andersen, Lars Tore Ronglan
Sport and Modern Social Theorists: Theorizing Homo Ludens
ISBN 9780333800782 , 2004 , Richard Giulianotti
VÃ¥re hunder: raser, sport, stell
ISBN 9788252927238 , 2003 , Sarah Whitehead
VÃ¥re hester: raser, sport, stell
ISBN 9788252927214 , 2003 , Torunn Knævelsrud, Kit Houghton, Deborah Frowen,m.fl.
BTEC Level 3 National Sport Book 1
ISBN 9781846906510 , 2010 , Adam Gledhill, Pam Phillippo, Mark Adams,m.fl.
BTEC Level 3 National Sport Book 2
ISBN 9781846906503 , 2010 , Wendy Davies, Adam Gledhill, Mark Adams,m.fl.
Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory Into Practice
ISBN 9780415525244 , 2013 , Damian Farrow, Clare MacMahon
A Sport Psychology Workbook for Riders
ISBN 9780851317717 , 2000 , Ann S. Reilly
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes
ISBN 9780415426657 , 2007
Hvem hva hvors sport-spørrebok
ISBN 9788251617529 , 1999 , Elin Vestues, Tormod Lingeberg
Sociological Studies of Child Development: 1992
ISBN 9781559384803 , 1993 , Peter Adler, Patricia A. Adler
Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance
ISBN 9789814577496 , 2014 , Jean Marie Williams, Vikki Krane
Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory Into Practice
ISBN 9780415771870 , 2007 , Damian Farrow, Joseph Baker, Clare MacMahon
Sport, recreation and tourism event management: theoretical and practical dimensions
ISBN 9780750684477 , 2008 , Cheryl Mallen, Lorne J. Adams
Jeppesen's Open Water Sport Diver Manual
ISBN 9780801690358 , 1991 , Richard A. Clinchy, Glen H. Egstrom, Lou Fead
Children and Youth in Sport: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
ISBN 9780697224903 , 1995 , Frank L. Smoll, Rodney E. Smith
Price elasticity in sport clubs: Measurement and empirical findings
ISBN 9783838109657 , 2009 , Pamela Wicker
BTEC Level 3 National Sport and Exercise Sciences Student Book
ISBN 9781846908972 , 2010 , Wendy Davies, Adam Gledhill, Pam Phillippo,m.fl.
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective
ISBN 9781890871932 , 2009 , Packianathan Chelladurai
Sport in Society with PowerWeb: Health and Human Performance
ISBN 9780072466966 , 2000 , Jay J. Coakley
Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization
ISBN 9780415047500 , 1991 , John R. Love
Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization
ISBN 9780203983072 , 1991 , John R. Love
The International Olympic Committee and the Olympic System: The Governance of World Sport
ISBN 9780415431682 , 2008 , Jean-Loup Chappelet
BTEC Level 3 National Sport Teaching Resource Pack
ISBN 9781846906541 , 2010 , Wendy Davies, Adam Gledhill, Pam Phillippo,m.fl.
Sport, medier og journalistikk: med fotballandslaget til EM
ISBN 9788276747959 , 2003 , Knut Helland
Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance
ISBN 9780072843835 , 2006 , Jean Marie Williams