Søk: 'Stress, Self-Esteem, Health and Work'
Health and Disease
ISBN 9788178792736 , 2006 , Edward John Tilt
Yoga mot stress
ISBN 9788205271234 , 2000 , Vimla Lalvani
Health Behavior Theory for Public Health: Principles, Foundations, and Applications
ISBN 9780763797539 , 2012 , Ralph J. DiClemente, Richard A. Crosby
Global Health
ISBN 9780763785598 , 2011 , Michael H. Merson, Anne J. Mills, Robert Black
Economics of Health and Health Care, The: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292020518 , 2013 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland
Radiation and Health
ISBN 9780415271622 , 2002 , Thormod Henriksen, H. David Maillie
The Economics of Health and Health Care
ISBN 9780132342520 , 2007 , Miron Stano, Allen C. Goodman,m.fl.
Creek's Occupational Therapy and Mental Health
ISBN 9780702045899 , 2014 , Dr. Katrina Bannigan, Jon Fieldhouse
ISBN 9780745648460 , 2010 , Mildred Blaxter
Radiation and Health
ISBN 9780415271615 , 2002 , Thormod Henriksen, David H. Maillie,m.fl.
Kognitiv terapi: stress og traumer
ISBN 9788741251349 , 2007 , Thomas Iversen
The Sociology of Health and Illness
ISBN 9780745646015 , 2013 , Sarah Nettleton
Preventing Accidents and Illnes at Work: How to Create a Health and Safety Culture
ISBN 9780273616870 , 1996 , Steve Morris, Graham Willcocks
Physical Examination and Health Assessment
ISBN 9781437701517 , 2011 , Carolyn Jarvis, Kevin Strandberg
Health promotion : theory and practice
ISBN 9788293158110 , 2012
Public Health and Health Promotion: Developing Practice
ISBN 9780702026614 , 2005 , Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (MSc.)
Dealing with Stress
ISBN 9780333600047 , 1994 , Michael Murphy, Neil Thompson, Steve Stradling
Modernity and self-identity - self and society in the late modern age
ISBN 9780745609324 , 1991 , Anthony Giddens
The Economics of Health and Health Care: International Version
ISBN 9780138004873 , 2010 , Miron Stano, Allen C. Goodman,m.fl.
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9780787957155 , 2002 , Karen Glanz
Sociology, Work and Industry
ISBN 9780415321662 , 2003 , Tony J. Watson
Economics of Health and Health Care, The
ISBN 9780131293441 , 2004 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland, Allen C. Goodman
Values and Ethics in Social Work
ISBN 9781446203200 , 2012 , Andrew Maynard, Chris Beckett
Motivation and work behavior
ISBN 9780071131025 , 2003 , Richard M. Steers, Lyman W. Porter,m.fl.
Self and other : exploring subjectivity, empathy, and shame
ISBN 9780199590681 , 2014 , Dan Zahavi
Atlantic Alliance Under Stress
ISBN 9780511126703 , 2005 , David M. Andrews
Rehabilitation and Health Assessment
ISBN 9780826157348 , 2009
Ethics and Values in Social Work
ISBN 9780230300170 , 2012 , Sarah Banks
Managing Knowledge Work and Innovation, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780230522015 , 2009 , 2. utgave , Sue Newell, Maxine Robertson, Harry Scarbrough,m.fl.
The Sociology of Work: Continuity and Change in Paid and Unpaid Work
ISBN 9780761948537 , 2006 , Stephen Edgell