Søk: 'Structural Fire Engineering Design: Materials Behaviour - Timber'
Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
ISBN 9780072953589 , 2005 , William Fortune Smith, Javad Hashemi, Ph.D.
The Science and Engineering of Materials: Si Edition
ISBN 9780495668022 , 2011 , Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep Fulay,m.fl.
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
ISBN 9780750643573 , 1999 , M. F. (Michael F.) Ashby
Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing
ISBN 9780080966687 , 2012 , Michael F. Ashby, D. R. H. Jones
The Science & Engineering of Materials, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9780534553968 , 2006 , 5. utgave , Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep Prabhakar Phulé
Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering (SI Units)
ISBN 9780071311144 , 2009 , Hashemi, William F Smith
Certified tropical timber and consumer behaviour: the impact of a certification scheme for tropical timber from sustainable forest management on German demand
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Exploring Materials: Creative Design for Everyday Objects
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Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th Edition
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Structural Geology
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Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach
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The Science and Engineering of Materials
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Economics Of Industrial Ecology: Materials, Structural Change, And Spatial Scales
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Organizational Behaviour
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Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume I: Elasticity and Plasticity
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Structural Dynamics
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An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials Engineers
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Materials for engineering: concepts and applications
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Japan and world timber markets
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Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction [With Access Code]
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Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, SI Version, 4th Edition
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Structural Geology
ISBN 9780716749516 , 2006 , Robert J. Twiss, Edward M. Moores,m.fl.