Søk: 'Technology and the Pursuit of Economic Growth'
Solutions Manual for "Introduction to Modern Economic Growth": Student Edition
ISBN 9780691141633 , 2009 , Michael Peters, Alp Simsek
Statistics and Probability Theory: In Pursuit of Engineering Decision Support
ISBN 9789400740556 , 2012 , Michael Havbro Faber
The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780712656641 , 1993 , Norman Cohn
Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-Being
ISBN 9780333922828 , 2005
The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780849390678 , 2006 , 4. utgave , James G. Speight
The Economic Sociology Of Capitalism
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Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning
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The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods, And New Directions in the Study of Modern History
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The Economic Way of Thinking
ISBN 9780135072301 , 2008 , Peter J. Boettke, Paul T. Heyne,m.fl.
Cents and Sustainability: Securing Our Common Future by Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Pressures
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Understanding the Process of Economic Change
ISBN 9780691145952 , 2010 , Douglass C. North
Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-Being
ISBN 9780333922811 , 2004
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
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A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium
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The Evolution of Technology
ISBN 9780521296816 , 1989 , George Basalla, Owen Hannaway
Democracy, governance, and growth
ISBN 9780472068234 , 2003 , Stephen F. Knack,m.fl.
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
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Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
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The IMF and Economic Development
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Design and Use of Assistive Technology
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The New Sociology of Economic Behaviour
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Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
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The Political and Economic Dimensions of Modernity
ISBN 9780745609621 , 1992 , John Allen, Stuart Hall, Peter Braham, Paul Lewis
Controlling the Growth of Monetary Aggregates
ISBN 9780898382266 , 1987 , Robert H. Rasche, James M. Johannes,m.fl.
The making of economic society
ISBN 9780130910509 , 2002 , Robert L. Heilbroner, William S. Milberg
Democracy, governance, and growth
ISBN 9780472098231 , 2003 , Stephen F. Knack,m.fl.
Transforming technology: an agenda for environmentally sustainable growth in the 21st century
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Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
ISBN 9780071263290 , 2008 , Clayton M. Christensen, Robert A. Burgelman,m.fl.
The Evolution of Economic Thought
ISBN 9780030259982 , 2000 , 6. utgave , Stanley L. Brue
Accounting for Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean: Improving Corporate Financial Reporting to Support Regional Economic Development
ISBN 9780821381083 , 2010 , Henri Fortin, Ana Cristina Barros, Kit Cutler