Søk: 'The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics'
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
ISBN 9781905211203 , 2006 , Peter M. Senge
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History
ISBN 9781111771157 , 2011 , Helen Gardner, Fred S. Kleiner
The Origins and History of Consciousness
ISBN 9780691163598 , 2014 , R. F. C. Hull, Erich Neumann
Christian Iconography: Or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9781147430448 , 2010 , Margaret Stokes, Adolphe Napoleon Didron,m.fl.
Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music
ISBN 9780195387650 , 2010 , Joanna Teresa DeMers
Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition: Portable Edition
ISBN 9780205697397 , 2009 , Frima Fox Hofrichter, Joseph F. Jacobs,m.fl.
Power System Economics - The Nordic Electricity Market: The Nordic Electricity Market
ISBN 9788251922005 , 2007 , Ivar Wangensteen
A History of the Art of War: The Middle Ages from the Fourth to the Fourteenth Century
ISBN 9781425498191 , 2006 , Charles Oman
The Story of Art
ISBN 9780714832470 , 1995 , E. H. Gombrich
The art of travel
ISBN 9780140276626 , 2003 , Alain De Botton
The End of Art
ISBN 9780521540162 , 2005 , Donald B. Kuspit
The Art of Mixing
ISBN 9781931140454 , 2005
Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market
ISBN 9781565845237 , 1999 , Pierre Bourdieu
The Return of History and the End of Dreams
ISBN 9781843548126 , 2009 , Robert Kagan
The Art of Kula
ISBN 9781859735183 , 2002 , Shirley Faye Campbell
The Transformative Power Of Performance: A New Aesthetics
ISBN 9780415458566 , 2008 , Erika Fischer-Lichte, Saskya Jain
Gambling in the Single Market: A Study of the Current Legal and Market Situation
ISBN 9780119728651 , 1991 , European Communities Staff
Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music
ISBN 9780195387667 , 2010 , Joanna Demers
The Art of Greece and Rome
ISBN 9780521540377 , 2004 , Susan Woodford
Acts of resistance: against the tyranny of the market
ISBN 9780745622170 , 1998 , Pierre Bourdieu
Understanding And Crafting the Mix: The Art of Recording
ISBN 9780240807553 , 2007 , William Moylan
History of the Modern World (Reinforced Nasta Binding for Secondary Market)
ISBN 9780073257204 , 2007 , Lloyd Kramer, Joel Colton, R. R. Palmer
The Art of the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780500203507 , 2002 , Janetta Rebold Benton
The Art of the Renaissance
ISBN 9780500200087 , 1963 , Peter Murray, Linda Murray
The art of war
ISBN 9780762415984 , 2003 , Tzu Sun, Ralph D. Sawyer
The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
ISBN 9780199747580 , 2010 , John Paul Lederach
The Routledge Companion To Aesthetics
ISBN 9780415327985 , 2005 , Berys Nigel Gaut, Dominic Lopes
The Art of Calligraphy
ISBN 9780762413102 , 2002 , Running Press, Frank Punzo
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History
ISBN 9780495410584 , 2009 , Fred S. Kleiner
The History of Jazz
ISBN 9780195399707 , 2011 , Ted Gioia