Søk: 'The CRC Handbook of Solid State Electrochemistry.'
The economics of the welfare state
ISBN 9780198775829 , 1998 , N. A. Barr
The Handbook of Crisis Communication
ISBN 9781405194419 , 2009 , Sherry J. Holladay, W. Timothy Coombs
State of the world 2000
ISBN 9788203225352 , 2000
The Sage Handbook of Public Relations
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The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412974172 , 2011 , Yvonna S. Lincoln
Freedom of Religion and the Secular State
ISBN 9780470674031 , 2012 , Russell Blackford
The Handbook of Sociolinguistics
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A Course on Many-Body Theory Applied to Solid State Physics
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The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion
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The International Handbook of Creativity
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The Handbook of Social Capital
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The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
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The Handbook of Communication Skills
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The Routledge Handbook of Security Studies
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Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
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The rationality of the welfare state
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The economics of the welfare state
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The Sage Handbook of Governance
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The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Typology
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The Jewish State
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Introduction to applied solid state physics: topics in the applications of semiconductors, superconductors, and the nonlinear optical properties of solids
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State of Fear
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