Søk: 'The Indian Frontier 1846-1890'
Blood Of Our Earth: Poetic History Of The American Indian
ISBN 9780826338105 , 2005 , Dan C. Jones
A Lawyer in Indian Country: A Memoir
ISBN 9780295989358 , 2009 , Alvin J. Ziontz, Charles Wilkinson
Adventures in the West: Henry Halpin, Fur Trader and Indian Agent
ISBN 9781550028034 , 2008 , David Elliott
Tracing an Indian Diaspora: Contexts, Memories, Representations
ISBN 9788178298337 , 2008 , Parvati Raghuram, Ajay Kumar Sahoo, Brij Maharaj,m.fl.
The Victorian period: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1830-1890
ISBN 9780582493476 , 1994
En norsk elite: nasjonsbyggerne på Lysaker 1890-1940
ISBN 9788203225161 , 2000 , Bodil Stenseth
Ecology of Indian rivers: a review
ISBN 9788170892977 , 2003 , K. Sankaran Unni
The lost dream: businessmen and city planning on the Pacific Coast, 1890-1920
ISBN 9780814205891 , 1993 , Mansel G. Blackford
Africa's silk road: China and India's new economic frontier
ISBN 9780821368350 , 2006 , Harry G. Broadman, Gozde Isik
Farewell, My Nation: The American Indian and the United States in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9780882959566 , 2000 , Philip Weeks
Aruna Asaf Ali ; Eminent Indian Woman
ISBN 9788171322718 , 2000 , "RAJKUMAR"
Determination of Weak Pareto Frontier Solutions Under Probabilistic Constraints
ISBN 9783836456425 , 2008 , Hongjun Ran
Smugglers, secessionists & loyal citizens on the Ghana-Toga frontier: the life of the borderlands since 1914
ISBN 9780852554722 , 2002 , Paul Nugent
Interactive Decision Maps: Approximation and Visualization of Pareto Frontier
ISBN 9781402076312 , 2004 , Aleksandr Vladimirovich Lotov, V. A. Bushenkov,m.fl.
Bollywood. Inkl. 4 CDs: The Passion of Indian Film and Music
ISBN 9783937406480 , 2005 , Silja Schriever-Klassen
Smugglers, Secessionists & Loyal Citizens on the Ghana-Toga Frontier: The Lie of the Borderlands Since 1914
ISBN 9780852554739 , 2002 , Paul Nugent
The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume 3: The Picture of Dorian Gray: The 1890 and 1891 Texts
ISBN 9780198187721 , 2005 , Oscar Wilde, Joseph Bristow, Russell Jackson,m.fl.
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora
ISBN 9780857287823 , 2011 , Rajeshwari Pandharipande, Rini Bhattasharya Mehta
Skrifter i samling. 10. Artiklar og essay 1871 - 1890
ISBN 9788203184000 , 2001 , Arne Garborg
Spain in the Middle Ages: From Frontier to Empire, 1000-1500
ISBN 9780333128176 , 1977 , Angus MacKay
Archaeological and Epigraphical Sources on Buddhism: Collection of Articles from The Indian Antiquary
ISBN 9788188629503 , 2009 , Geeta Dua
Fierce Gods: Inequality, Ritual, and the Politics of Dignity in a South Indian Village
ISBN 9780253217653 , 2005 , Diane P. Mines
All for a Shilling a Day: The Story of H. M. 16th, the Queen's Lancers, During the First Sikh War 1845 - 1846
ISBN 9781846771965 , 2007
All for a Shilling a Day: The Story of H. M. 16th, the Queen's Lancers, During the First Sikh War 1845 - 1846
ISBN 9781846771958 , 2007
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora
ISBN 9781843318330 , 2010 , Rini Bhattacharya Mehta,m.fl.
Pioneering a Modern Small Business: Wakefield Seafoods and the Alaskan Frontier
ISBN 9780892320882 , 1979 , Mansel G. Blackford
Modern Indian Responses to Religious Pluralism
ISBN 9780887065729 , 1987 , Harold G. Coward
Bollyworld: Popular Indian Cinema Through A Transnational Lens
ISBN 9780761933212 , 2005 , Raminder Kaur, Ajay J. Sinha
Bollyworld: Popular Indian Cinema Through A Transnational Lens
ISBN 9780761933205 , 2005 , Raminder Kaur, Ajay J. Sinha
A Frontier Campaign; a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-1898
ISBN 9781117184173 , 2009 , Alexander Edward Murray Dunmore,m.fl.