Søk: 'The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates the Gift of Language'
Numbers: The Universal Language
ISBN 9780500300800 , 1998 , Denis Guedj
The Study of Second Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780194422574 , 2008 , Rod Ellis
Head First: The Language of the Head Voice
ISBN 9780761836711 , 2007
The C++ Programming Language
ISBN 9780201700732 , 2000 , Bjarne Stroustrup
The Spoken Language Translator
ISBN 9780521770774 , 2000 , Steven Bird, Martin Kay, David McDonald,m.fl.
The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780631225027 , 2003 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Exploring the French Language
ISBN 9780340676622 , 1997 , Nigel R. Armstrong, Jane Shelton,m.fl.
The C Programming Language
ISBN 9780131103627 , 1988 , Dennis M. Ritchie
The language of advertising: written texts
ISBN 9780415278034 , 2002 , Angela Goddard
The Effects of the Second Language on the First
ISBN 9781853596339 , 2003 , Vivian J. Cook
The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780631225034 , 2004 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Words of the World: The Global Language System
ISBN 9780745627489 , 2001 , Abram de Swaan
The Cabalah of Astrology: The Language of Number
ISBN 9780875165776 , 1986 , William Eisen
Andre Breton: the Power of Language
ISBN 9781902454061 , 2000 , Romona Fotiade
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9780155070554 , 2004 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles
Words of the World: The Global Language System
ISBN 9780745627472 , 2001 , Abram de Swaan
A History of the English Language
ISBN 9780415280990 , 2002 , Albert C. Baugh, Thomas Cable
The Language of Advertising: Written Texts
ISBN 9780415278027 , 2002 , Angela Goddard
The Practice of English Language Teaching
ISBN 9780582403857 , 2001 , Jeremy Harmer
The C programming language
ISBN 9780131103702 , 1988 , Dennis M. Ritchie
Pathways of the brain: the neurocognitive basis of language
ISBN 9789027236777 , 1999 , Sydney M. Lamb
The Wolf Gift
ISBN 9780345803580 , 2012 , Anne Rice
The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives
ISBN 9780521736251 , 2010 , Richard K. Larson, Hiroko Yamakido
A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language
ISBN 9789004106147 , 1997 , Daniel Sivan
Xquery: The Xml Query Language
ISBN 9780321165817 , 2004 , Michael Brundage, Paul Peterson
Pathways of the brain: the neurocognitive basis of language
ISBN 9789027236753 , 1999 , Sydney M. Lamb
A Primer of the Sanskrit Language
ISBN 9780728601932 , 1992 , A.F. Stenzler, Renate Sohnen
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9780521603119 , 2006 , Michael Morris
A Grammar of the Old Friesic Language
ISBN 9780559775611 , 2008 , Adley Hooke Cummins
The Gift of Fear
ISBN 9780440226192 , 1998 , Gavin De Becker