Søk: 'The Mediatization of Culture and Society'
Journalism and Society
ISBN 9781446266793 , 2013 , Denis McQuail
Journalism and Society
ISBN 9781446266809 , 2013 , Denis McQuail
Democratic Culture and the Enlightenment
ISBN 9780415589918 , 2010 , Akeel Bilgrami
The Social Psychology of Culture
ISBN 9781841690865 , 2006 , Chi-yue Chiu, Ying-yi Hong
Technologies of inclusion: gender in the information society
ISBN 9788251928465 , 2011 , Knut Holtan Sørensen, Wendy Faulkner, Els Rommes
Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism
ISBN 9780822327042 , 2001 , Jean Comaroff
European Union and the Politics of Culture
ISBN 9780954190903 , 2001 , Cris Shore
Norway: nature, industry and society
ISBN 9788245013719 , 2013 , Grete Rusten, Kerstin Potthoff, Linda Sangolt
A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium
ISBN 9780262514019 , 2010 , Robert Friedel
The rise of the network society
ISBN 9780631221401 , 2000 , Manuel Castells
Population and Society
ISBN 9781412900652 , 2013 , Paul Williamson, William Gould, Clare Holdsworth,m.fl.
Society of the Spectacle
ISBN 9780934868075 , 1977 , Guy Debord
The Location of Culture
ISBN 9780415016353 , 1994 , Homi K. Bhabha
The Culture of the Book in Tibet
ISBN 9780231147163 , 2009 , Kurtis R. Schaeffer
The making of economic society
ISBN 9780130910509 , 2002 , Robert L. Heilbroner, William S. Milberg
Globalization: The Making of World Society
ISBN 9781405169059 , 2009 , Frank J. Lechner
The McDonaldization of Society: 20th Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9781452226699 , 2012 , George F. Ritzer
The Bible and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780800638634 , 2007 , Gerd Theissen, Gerd Thiessen
The Predicament of Culture
ISBN 9780674698437 , 1988 , James Clifford
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9781441923813 , 2010 , Milan Zafirovski
Media, Politics And The Network Society
ISBN 9780335213153 , 2004 , Hassan, Robert
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
ISBN 9780748618095 , 2003 , John Storey
Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings
ISBN 9780203990063 , 1996 , Sarah Beckwith
The Invention of Culture
ISBN 9780226869346 , 1981 , Roy Wagner
The Society of the Muslim Brothers
ISBN 9780195084375 , 1993 , Richard P. Mitchell
The Dawn of Human Culture
ISBN 9780471252528 , 2002
Medicine, Health and Society
ISBN 9781412920742 , 2012
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
ISBN 9780262513623 , 2009 , Henry Jenkins, Margaret Weigel, Katie Clinton,m.fl.
Sport, Culture and the Media
ISBN 9780335210756 , 2003 , David Rowe
Iranian History and Politics: The Dialectic of State and Society
ISBN 9780415297547 , 2003 , Homa Katouzian