Søk: 'The Ministry Demanded by the Present Crisis'
The Crisis of the Welfare State: Ethics and Economics
ISBN 9781897969151 , 1993 , Michael Novak
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Seventh Edition - 1865 to the present
ISBN 9780393929942 , 2009 , 7. utgave , Nina Baym
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure
ISBN 9780521607339 , 2006 , Arjen Boin, Paul T. Hart, Eric J. Stern,m.fl.
A Heart for the Community: New Models for Urban and Suburban Ministry
ISBN 9780802405739 , 2012 , Noel Castellanos, John E. Fuder
The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines
ISBN 9781842776315 , 2005 , Walden F. Bello, Marissa De Guzman,m.fl.
Crisis Communication
ISBN 9780749454005 , 2008 , Peter Anthonissen
The Social Fabric: American life from the Civil War to the present
ISBN 9780321333810 , 2006 , Thomas L. Hartshorne
The Celts: a history from earliest times to the present
ISBN 9780748616053 , 2003 , Bernhard Maier, Kevin Windle
Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present : essays
ISBN 9781900039819 , 2007 , James Dunkerley
Studyguide for A People's History Of The United States: 1492-Present by Zinn, ISBN 9780060528379
ISBN 9781428829084 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
A history of modern Africa: 1800 to the present
ISBN 9781405132640 , 2009 , Richard J. Reid
Understanding the crisis in Darfur: listening to Sudanese voices
ISBN 9788274530645 , 2006 , Abdel Ghaffar Muhammad Ahmad, Leif O. Manger
American midwives, 1860 to the present
ISBN 9780837198248 , 1978
Sorrow's Profiles: Death, Grief and Crisis in the Family
ISBN 9781855756212 , 2009 , Richard J. Alapack
Enduring military boredom: from 1750 to the present
ISBN 9780230577831 , 2009 , Paul Otto Brunstad, Bård Mæland
Going off the rails: global capital and the crisis of legitimacy
ISBN 9780470853146 , 2003 , John Plender
A history of modern Africa: 1800 to the present
ISBN 9781405132657 , 2008 , Richard J. Reid
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World - From the Beginnings of Humankind to the Present
ISBN 9780393934922 , 2011 , Peter Brown, Robert L. Tignor, Stephen Aron,m.fl.
Retained by the People
ISBN 9789780465025 , 2007 , Farberan
Genealogies for the present in cultural anthropology
ISBN 9780415912648 , 1996 , Bruce M. Knauft
No refuge: the crisis of refugee militarization in Africa
ISBN 9781842777886 , 2006 , Robert Muggah
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
Essence of decision: explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis
ISBN 9780321013491 , 1999 , Graham T. Allison, Philip Zelikow
Genealogies for the Present: In Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9780415912631 , 1996 , Bruce M. Knauft
By the Light of the Moon
ISBN 9780747266822 , 2003 , Dean Koontz
The history of photography: from 1839 to the present
ISBN 9780870703812 , 1984 , Beaumont Newhall
A History of Political Thought: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745631028 , 2005 , Bruce Haddock
A history of the human community: prehistory to the present
ISBN 9780132625104 , 1997 , William H. McNeill
Development & Dispossession: The Crisis of Forced Displacement and Resettlement
ISBN 9781934691083 , 2009 , Anthony Oliver-Smith, George Button,m.fl.