Søk: 'The Politics of Global Supply Chains: Power and Governance Beyond the State'
The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology
ISBN 9781859842126 , 1999 , Göran Therborn
Why Cooperate?: The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods
ISBN 9780199585212 , 2010 , Scott Barrett
Governance and Politics of China, Second Edition
ISBN 9781403921840 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Tony Saich
Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development
ISBN 9780415665360 , 2011 , Dag Harald Claes, Carl Henrik Knutsen
Power in the Changing Global Order: The US, Russia and China
ISBN 9780745634722 , 2012 , Martin A. Smith
State Buildings: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781861977045 , 2005 , Francis Fukuyama
Beyond Chinatown: New Chinese Migration And the Global Expansion of China
ISBN 9788776940003 , 2007
Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
ISBN 9780742557949 , 2009 , Jeffrey Mankoff
The Sage Handbook of Governance
ISBN 9781446270424 , 2013 , Mark Bevir
Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics
ISBN 9781442208254 , 2011 , Jeffrey Mankoff
The Politics of Food: The Global Conflict Between Food Security and Food Sovereignty
ISBN 9780313363283 , 2010 , William D. Schanbacher
Contesting Global Governance
ISBN 9780521773157 , 2000 , Steve Smith, Thomas Biersteker, Chris Brown,m.fl.
Cooperation, Technology, and Japanese Development: Indigenous Knowledge, the Power of Networks, and the State
ISBN 9780813337371 , 1999 , Donna L. Doane
Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
ISBN 9780742557956 , 2009 , Jeffrey Mankoff
Africa Conflict, Peace and Governance Monitor, 2005: An Annual Publication on the State of Governance in Africa
ISBN 9789783693784 , 2005 , m.fl.
The Politics of Power: A Critical Introduction to American Government
ISBN 9780393933253 , 2010 , Alan Draper, Ira Katznelson
On global order: power, values, and the constitution of international society
ISBN 9780199233113 , 2007 , Andrew Hurrell
Beyond Grammar: Language, Power, and the Classroom: Resources for Teachers
ISBN 9780805837155 , 2006
Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping--Updated and Revised for the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond
ISBN 9781416595243 , 2008 , Paco Underhill
Supply Chain Management: Global Edition
ISBN 9780136094517 , 2009 , Peter Meindl
Economics of the Welfare State
ISBN 9780199297818 , 2012 , Nicholas Barr
Global Politics
ISBN 9781403989826 , 2011 , Andrew Heywood
Governance and Politics in Africa
ISBN 9781555872854 , 1992 , Goran Hyden, Michael Bratton
Managing Supply Chains: A Logistics Approach with Student CD
ISBN 9780324662672 , 2008 , John Joseph Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, Brian Gibson,m.fl.
Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power
ISBN 9780465023295 , 2004
Building Global Democracy?: Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance
ISBN 9780521140553 , 2011
Why Cooperate?: The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods
ISBN 9780191526381 , 2007 , Scott Barrett (Ph. D.)
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making
ISBN 9780143050414 , 2009 , David Rothkopf
Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics
ISBN 9781850652410 , 1995 , David Westerlund
The Sage Handbook of Governance
ISBN 9781847875778 , 2010 , Mark Bevir