Søk: 'Toward a new film aesthetic'
A concept of dramatic genre and the comedy of a new type: chess, literature, and film
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Film: en innføring
ISBN 9788202291167 , 2011 , Arne Engelstad, Elise Seip Tønnessen
A Reasonable Life: Toward a Simpler, Secure, More Humane Existence
ISBN 9780920256367 , 1999 , Ferenc Mate
Reclaiming the Enlightenment: Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement
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To the Break of Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetic
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Taiwan film directors: a treasure island
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Taiwan Film Directors: A Treasure Island
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Educating the reflective practitioner: toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions
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A Companion to Literature and Film
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A History of Narrative Film
ISBN 9780393968194 , 1996 , David A. Cook
A Companion to Literature and Film
ISBN 9780631230533 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Film Art: And Film History
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Reading machines : toward and algorithmic criticism
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The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture
ISBN 9781565847422 , 2002
ISBN 9788202181734 , 1999 , Andrea Gronemeyer
Creative Networks and the City: Towards a Cultural Political Economy of Aesthetic Production
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The International Film Business: A Market Guide Beyond Hollywood
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A New World
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Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis
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History on Film/Film on History
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Film Art
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Ancient Rome: A New History
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Film Art: An Introduction
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Gender and Kinship: Essays Toward a Unified Analysis
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Fairy tales: a new history
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A short guide to writing about film
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A New School Management
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Creative intelligence: toward theoretic integration
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British Film
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