Søk: 'Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission'
Elements of Old Testament theology
ISBN 9780804201919 , 1982 , Claus Westermann
The Theology of the Gospel of Luke
ISBN 9780521469326 , 1995 , Joel B. Green
A Theology of the Built Environment
ISBN 9780521814652 , 2002 , Timothy Gorringe
New Paradigm of Knowledge Engineering by Soft Computing, a
ISBN 9789810245177 , 2001 , Liya Ding, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute
Classic Issues in Islamic Philosophy and Theology Today
ISBN 9789048135721 , 2009
Realities of Christian Theology: An Interpretation of Christian Experience
ISBN 9781290399685 , 2012
Transforming worldviews: an anthropological understanding of how people change
ISBN 9780801027055 , 2008 , Paul G. Hiebert
Applied Helping Skills: Transforming Lives
ISBN 9781412949903 , 2008 , Jeffrey A. Kottler, Leah Brew
Theology: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780199679973 , 2013 , David F. Ford
Recognizing the Latino resurgence in U.S. religion: the Emmaus paradigm
ISBN 9780813325101 , 1997 , Ana María Díaz-Stevens,m.fl.
The new leadership paradigm: social learning and cognition in organizations
ISBN 9780803942981 , 1992 , Henry P. Sims, Peter Lorenzi
Money upside down: a paradigm shift in economics and monetary theory?
ISBN 9783825872076 , 2004 , Harald Haas
Al- Ghazali's Philosophical Theology
ISBN 9780195331622 , 2009
Business Coaching International: Transforming Individuals and Organizations
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Realities of Christian Theology: An Interpretation of Christian Experience
ISBN 9781117457123 , 2009
Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
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A Christian Theology of Marriage and Family
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Shaping Theology: Engagements in a Religious and Secular World
ISBN 9781405177207 , 2007 , David F. Ford
Language and negativity: apophaticism in theology and literature
ISBN 9788270993321 , 2000 , Henny Fiskå Hägg
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
ISBN 9780470672860 , 2012 , Alister E. McGrath
Argument and Theology in 1 Peter: The Origins of Christian Paraenesis
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Transforming Children's Spaces: Children's and Adults' Participation in Designing Learning Environments
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Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership
ISBN 9781576752647 , 2004 , William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter
Classical Hollywood Narrative: The Paradigm Wars
ISBN 9780822312994 , 1992
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
ISBN 9780913836316 , 1998 , Vladimir Lossky
Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy Through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity
ISBN 9781844075911 , 2009 , Michael H. Smith, Cheryl Desha
A Christian Theology of the Cross: Discovering the Priesthood of Abel
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Accepted and Renewed in Christ: The "Twofold Grace of God" and the Interpretation of Calvin's Theology
ISBN 9783525569108 , 2007 , Cornelis P. Venema
An Introduction to Christian Theology
ISBN 9780521870269 , 2010 , Richard J. Plantinga, Thomas R. Thompson,m.fl.