Søk: 'Travelbee's Intervention in psychiatric nursing'
A-Z of Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare
ISBN 9781405161213 , 2008 , Immy Holloway
Seeds of Hope: Twelve Years of Early Intervention in Africa
ISBN 9788274770751 , 2001 , Pnina S. Klein
Disaster and the Politics of Intervention
ISBN 9780231146968 , 2009 , Professor Andrew Lakoff
Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach
ISBN 9781451146271 , 2012 , Patricia Gonce Morton, Dorrie K. Fontaine
Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
ISBN 9788282472036 , 2015 , Pål Berthling-Hansen
Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics, second edition
ISBN 9781551110820 , 1996 , 2. utgave , Michael Yeo, Anne Moorhouse
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Personality Disorders
ISBN 9781585621590 , 2005 , Donna S. Bender, John M. Oldham
The Patient As Text: The Role of the Narrator in Psychiatric Notes, 1890-1990
ISBN 9781846193620 , 2009 , Petter Aaslestad, Erik Skuggevik, Deborah Dawkin
Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing
ISBN 9780397550883 , 1996 , Elizabeth T. Anderson, Judith M. McFarlane
Civil Wars, Insecurity, and Intervention
ISBN 9780231116275 , 1999 , Jack L. Snyder
The Complete Textbook of Veterinary Nursing
ISBN 9780702040504 , 2011 , 2. utgave
Jenny S
ISBN 9788204137548 , 2007 , Denise Rudberg, Unni Rom Stueland
Disaster and the Politics of Intervention
ISBN 9780231146975 , 2009 , Professor Andrew Lakoff
The operators: Stanley McChrystal?s war in Afghanistan
ISBN 9781409144878 , 2012 , Michael Hastings
Investments with S&p Bind-In Card
ISBN 9780073314655 , 2006 , Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach
ISBN 9780470528518 , 2011 , L. Kay Bartholomew, Guy S. Parcel, Gerjo Kok,m.fl.
From GSM to Lte: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology
ISBN 9780470667118 , 2010
Language Intervention Strategies in Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders
ISBN 9780781721332 , 2001 , Roberta Chapey
Antibodies: structure, synthesis, function, and immunologic intervention in disease
ISBN 9780306425592 , 1987 , A. Szentivanyi, Paul H. Maurer,m.fl.
Acute Neuroscience Nursing
ISBN 9780867203554 , 1986 , Jane Lundgren
Sikkerhet til sjøs
ISBN 9788245005417
ISBN 9788215001272 , 2004 , Olav Kolstad, Fredrik Sejersted,m.fl.
Child psychiatric epidemiology: concepts, methods, and findings
ISBN 9780803939967 , 1991 , Frank C. Verhulst, Hans M. Koot
Child psychiatric epidemiology: concepts, methods, and findings
ISBN 9780803939974 , 1991 , Frank C. Verhulst, Hans M. Koot
Safeguarding Children: Early Intervention and Surveillance in a Late Modern Society
ISBN 9781403933324 , 2006 , Nigel Parton
The Nature of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing, Second Edition
ISBN 9780826113061 , 2000 , 2. utgave , Hesook Suzie Kim
EU- og EØS-relevante tekster
ISBN 9788215020563 , 2012 , Universitetet i Oslo Senter for Europarett,m.fl.
Dyslexia: Biology, Cognition and Intervention
ISBN 9781861560353 , 1997 , Charles J. Hulme, Margaret J. Snowling
Speech and Language Impairments in Children: Causes, Characteristics, Intervention, and Outcome
ISBN 9780863775680 , 2000 , Laurence B. Leonard, D. V. Dorothy V. M. Bishop
ISBN 9783822838587 , 2004 , Ed Mae Cooper, Pierre Doze, Elisabeth Laville,m.fl.