Søk: 'Value Pack: Distributed Systems:Concepts and Design with Computer Networking and the Internet'
Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780201627695 , 1994 , Jenny Preece
Value Pack: Child Development (Int Ed) with Cognition (Int Ed)
ISBN 9781405817875 , 2004 , Laura E. Berk, Mark H. Ashcraft
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance with Operating Systems:Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780582843059 , 2003 , William Stallings
Nonlinear and Distributed Circuits
ISBN 9780849372766 , 2005 , Chen Wai-Kai
Value Pack: Biology (United States Edition) with Pin Card Biology with Ecology with iGenetics and Free Solutions (International Edition)
ISBN 9781405817110 , 2005 , Neil A. Campbell, Peter Russell, Charles Krebs
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Updated Edition
ISBN 9780130314864 , 2001 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime
The Internet and the Mass Media
ISBN 9781412947350 , 2008 , Ruth Towse, Lucy Kung
Embedded Ethernet Adn Internet Complete: Designing and Programming Small Devices for Networking
ISBN 9781931448000 , 2003 , Jan Axelson
Internet and Surveillance
ISBN 9781136655272 , 2012
Internet and Surveillance
ISBN 9781136655265 , 2012
Wie Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples
ISBN 9780471427568 , 2003
Sex Offenders and the Internet
ISBN 9780470028018 , 2007 , Dennis Howitt, Kerry Sheldon
Multi Pack: Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1,2,3 and 4 Companion Guide
ISBN 9781405801515 , 2004 , Inc. Cisco Systems
Computer-Aided Pattern Design and Product Development
ISBN 9781405102834 , 2003 , Alison Beazley, Terry Bond
Internet and Surveillance
ISBN 9780415891608 , 2011
Value Pack: A Global Introduction with Sociology on the Web : A Student Guide
ISBN 9781405824866 , 2005 , John J. Macionis, Stuart Stein, Ken Plummer
Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780080922812 , 2008 , 4. utgave , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals and XILINX 4.2 Package
ISBN 9780131111042 , 2003 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime,m.fl.
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292024684 , 2013 , M. Morris Mano, Charles Kime
Value Pack: Microbiology (Int Ed) with Human Anatomy and Physiology with InterActive Physiology 8 System Suite (Int Ed)
ISBN 9781405817493 , 2004 , Gerard J. Tortora
The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society
ISBN 9780199255771 , 2002 , Manuel Castells
Value Pack: Brock:Biology of Microorganisms (Int Ed) with Microbiology:A Photographic Atlas for the Laboratory
ISBN 9781405823876 , 2009 , Dennis Strete, Michael T. Madigan, John Martinko,m.fl.
Political Parties and the Internet
ISBN 9780415282741 , 2003 , Rachel K. Gibson, P.G. Nixon, Stephen J. Ward
Algorithms: sequential, parallel, and distributed
ISBN 9780534420574 , 2005 , Jerome L. Paul
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition
ISBN 9781558606043 , 2004 , 3. utgave , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780470665763 , 2011 , Jenny Preece, Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp
Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL
ISBN 9780123742704 , 2008
Satellite networking: principles and protocols
ISBN 9780470870273 , 2005 , Zhili Sun
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5
ISBN 9780132783392 , 2012 , Terry Ann Felke-Morris
Business Data Communications and Networking
ISBN 9780471771166 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Jerry FitzGerald