Søk: 'Worlds of Talk: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Conversation'
Democracy and the Limits of Self-Government
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The anxiety of everyday objects: a novel
ISBN 9780142003701 , 2004 , Aurelie Sheehan
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children
ISBN 9781557661975 , 1995 , Betty Hart, Todd R. Risley
Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil
ISBN 9780520075375 , 1993 , Nancy Scheper-Hughes
The Social World of Children Learning to Talk
ISBN 9781557664204 , 1999 , Betty Hart, Todd R. Risley
Encountering the everyday: an introduction to the sociologies of the unnoticed
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Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art
ISBN 9781888054934 , 2004 , Forrest J. Ackerman, Brad Linaweaver
Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control
ISBN 9780716728504 , 1997 , Albert Bandura
Rhetoric in Detail: discourse analyses of rhetorical talk and text
ISBN 9789027206190 , 2008 , Barbara Johnstone, Christopher. Eisenhart
Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity
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Religious Worlds: The Comparative Study of Religion
ISBN 9780807012291 , 1992 , William E. Paden
The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency
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Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780745638652 , 2008 , Ian Hutchby, Robin Wooffitt
Religious Worlds: The Comparative Study of Religion
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Handbook of Self-determination Research
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Tetrarch: volume Two of The Well of Echoes : a Tale of the three Worlds
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Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780745638669 , 2008 , Ian Hutchby, Robin Wooffitt
Geomancer: volume One of The Well of Echoes : a Tale of the three Worlds
ISBN 9781841491370 , 2003 , Ian Irvine
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in the Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780300121391 , 2007 , Dror Wahrman
Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary
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Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past
ISBN 9780268020323 , 2010
Physics of Continuous Matter, Second Edition: Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World
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Games Prisoners Play: The Tragicomic Worlds of Polish Prison
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Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention
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Auto/Ethnographies: Sex and Death and Symbolic Interaction in the Eighth Moment of Qualitative Inquiry: Seven Essays on the Self-ethnography of Self
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Dialogue as a Collective Means of Design Conversation
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Intertwined Worlds
ISBN 9780691607054 , 2014 , Hava Lazarus-Yafeh
Company of heroes: unleashing the power of self-leadership
ISBN 9780471055280 , 1996 , Henry P. Sims, Charles C. Manz
Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780805820003 , 2000 , Numa P.P. Markee
Games Prisoners Play: The Tragicomic Worlds of Polish Prison
ISBN 9780691117218 , 2004 , M. M. Kaminski